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There are so many horrible things that happen in this world. So many things that unlucky people had to go through everyday. Worse things that are going on now. But to me? It didn't matter. I wast gonna put myself to grieve over those other matters. Right now I was just gonna grieve over a very special person who was lost. Lost, confused, angry, sad. All these emotions pent up inside her until she just burst. All traces of happiness gone and my world just crumbled, spiraling down into a nothingness that would eventually get me even more angry an sad than ever before. She was gone. As much as I wanted to forget that it ever happened, that SHE ever happened. I couldn't. She would forever be engraved in my memories. Summer. The name of a girl whose life seems perfect and beautiful and sunny and the irony of this situation was that her name didn't go at all with who she was. No, who she had become. Who she USED to be. She was gone now. Dead by her own hands and now the tears ran back down my cheeks as I remembered how

I heard the news.


Loud music was playing in my room and without a care in the world I did homework. Homework was the least of my worries but it had to be done sometime. I remember how Summer ran off that day when she saw my cuts. What's it to her? She did it before! It's not like I'm doing it again anyways. I'm completely fine and those scars were just a mark of something I did and will never do again. About 3 songs passed when I heard a soft knock at my door.

"Honey, can you please open the door."

What did my mother want? Oh well better go check. I got up while dancing and eating a bag of chips to open the door. And when I did, I wasn't greeted by a happy face. Actually, I was greeted by the total opposite. I immediately went and stopped the music, waiting for her to tell me what I assumed was goin to be bad news. The silence was way too much so I broke it.

"What's wrong.?"

"I don't know how to sugar code this so ill just go right ahead and say it. It's summer"

Summer. I'd like to say millions of possibilities ran through my mind at that moment but instead I couldn't think of anything. Summer couldn't possibly be hurt! I wanted to know immediately what hospital she was in because I was gonna go visit. Even if she was mad or not.

"Well I'm not sure how to continue. I'm sorry. She left this note."

A note. Why would she leave a note when she could just call up and ill visit. Unless. No! This couldn't be! I hurried up and opened the note. My mom left without another word.

Dear V,

I don't want you to think this is your fault because if anything it's not. I saw those cuts on your wrists. Please stop I don't want you to go down this path. I'm sorry to leave you with this pain but I couldn't take it. I don't know if there is an afterlife but if there is then count on me to be your guardian. Hopefully you find happiness again. It was just to late for me. Bye.

Ps. Tell my mother I love her


I crumpled it up and threw it into a corner of my room. I say there and felt nothing. I was numb. This couldn't be true it wasn't happening this was all a nightmare of some sort and ill wake up soon enough and go talk to summer at school. Only I knew it wasn't and realization hit my like a truck. It started with one single tear and soon an overload of salty drops were running down both cheeks. I wanted to scream to hide and to go back in time. I took a pillow and screamed into it. Life is horrible.


I stare at the still crumbled up paper and decide to open it. The words on the page are the only memory I have left. I have no pictures of her or anything. Today I notice the ps. I never noticed it before and I get angry. Even though he mother abused her and literally had her on the brink of death, she wants me to tell her I love her. Well then Summer, your wish is my command. I'm going to tell you loved her but with other added words of my own. Ill do it today. No I can't, mom is making dinner and she will know if I leave. My door is right next to the kitchen. I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow but ill be even angrier by then. Prepare for my visit Ms. Summer Killer.

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