Chapter 10

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Hey everybody!

Thank you for reading the story so far! Every time I come here and see I have a new comment, or vote or follow, or that someone added my book to their list, I smile so hard it feels like my face is going to break. Seriously, thank you!

To the silent readers, thank you. I've been where you are, and I want you to know that you are important to me as well. Thank you for reading my story :) I'd love to hear from you someday, but even if I don't, I want you to know your read was appreciated.

Next update will happen next week, May 10th. Hope to see you here!

Chapter 10

It touched Nephelle when she noticed that, on the day Doc Rick was supposed to go there, not one of the Owens went to work.

While they did allow Nephelle to be alone in the room with him – as long as Mrs. Greta stayed as well, as a sort of chaperone.

"As far as I can tell," the doctor said, as he put his instruments back in his case. "Nephelle is exhausted. I can see the new burns on her body, but that's probably because of the fire, or so you tell me." He stressed, making it quite clear that he didn't quite believe Mrs. Greta's claim.

"Now, Richard. You know we would never hurt a young girl in our care..." she started, feeling flustered.

Doc. Rick smiled, shaking his head. "And it's why I'm going to tell Mrs. Lianna exactly that same story. Don't worry, Greta. I trust you. Besides, even they are mostly healed by now. She should be fine in about two or three days." And as his eyes turned back to Nephelle and they became even kinder. "Now, with that said, could I speak to Miss Nephelle in private?"

Mrs. Greta frowned, clearly not liking it. "I don't see any reason why—"

"Please, Greta. I know you are fond of the girl, but I've already proven to you that I can be trusted. I won't harm her, I promise."

Seeing that Mrs. Greta still hesitated warmed her heart. "It's ok. I'll be fine." Nephelle whispered, watching as she dragged her feet.

"I'll be right behind the door if you need me." She added, just before she closed it with a soft click.

Turning her eyes back towards the man beside her, Nephelle wondered what he had to tell her. She soon found his eyes focused on her, as he studied her with caution.

"I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to. You can trust me." He promised and waited until she met his eyes. "But you should know. Most of the vomiting and even the headaches are due to head trauma. The first time I treated you, it was as clear as day – but by now it should have healed. I checked it over again, and there is no new injury on your head, which can only mean one thing: you are putting undue stress on your brain. After that, it wasn't too difficult to figure out where it could be coming from."

Biting her lip, Nephelle faced him. "And where is it?"

"I think you might have lost your memories, due to the first incident. Also. and most doctors could tell you this, you have quite a few magical scars." The man's eyes became even kinder. "And all of these symptoms point towards a magic seal in your head."

"I..." shaking her head for clarity, Nephelle took a deep breath. "I have no idea what you are talking about. As far as I know, magic is forbidden."

"It is," the man nodded and then lifted a hand to pat her head gently. "but that doesn't mean that all the doctors stopped learning from the old Healers, as much as we could. There are old libraries hidden away from most of mankind, put there so we could learn. Of course, the Healers who wrote those tomes are long since dead, but their knowledge lives on and is guarded by those of us who believe that forbidding magic was not the right choice." Getting to his feet, the man gave a couple of steps towards the door before turning and throwing a last glance towards her. "And now that I've shared this secret with you, I'm sure you'll take what I say next with wisdom - magic seals can be dangerous. You'll need to break it, but it needs to be done with care or the consequences can be awful. Once Mrs. Lianna leaves you be, I'll do some research on how we can get rid of those, but meanwhile be careful, will you?"

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