Chapter 24

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Hello everyone!

Thank you for reading until Chapter 24! I'm really happy to have you here :)

I'm sad to inform you, however, that we're coming to the end. Yes, my first long story here on wattpad is almost over! Wow, what a long journey this has been, I feel like I've grow so much over the last couple of months... I'll miss it when it's over.

That said, we still have some chapters to go - and they are going to be full of action. 

Oh, quick alert to let you know I was crazy busy this week, so I didn't have time to do my fifty or so edits, so I might come back and edit it this weekend. Just sayin'. I'm going to start planning another book to publish here on wattpad this weekend as well, (can't believe TFOA is ending. My first baby!) so I might be busy, but still...

The next update for TFOA will be September 6th.

Now, enough chit chat. You guys came here for the chapter, did you not?

Chapter 24

It was almost as if someone had died.

And in a way, Nephelle supposed something had died.

The second she had to say goodbye to Fox, she knew she would never see him again - she just knew it. It was a certainty inside of her heart, almost as if there was someone whispering inside of her ear.

"I'm sorry," Axiel said, his voice quiet and respectful beside her. "None of us ever meant for you to be hurt like this."

"It's not your fault. I don't remember anything from before, you see..." A small sad smile on her lips. " but I know I couldn't have planned for him. It was just luck, you know."

"I'm still sorry...."

"I'm not. It wasn't all bad - in fact, most of it was amazing. I'm just... sad it will end, I guess." Looking away, Nephelle sighed. "I'll be fine."

"Yes, you will. You and I, we're always 'fine.'" Axiel added, a sarcastic grin on his lips. "Pity we're never really, really fine."

"He'll forget me soon, I guess." Nephelle said, half dreading, half hoping that what she said was the truth. "And in the end, it will be better for him."

"It will be better for all of them." Axiel agreed, patting Nephelle's shoulder in a terrible attempt to offer comfort. It made her smile.

"You and I, we're really good friends, are we not, Axiel?" Her voice was tentative, as she forced herself to remember. "Back in my past."

"Let's just say we have a lot of things in common." Looking ahead, he took a deep breath. "Let's leave this at that."

Nodding in agreement, Nephelle fell silent. She didn't know when she noticed she had begun to cry - probably when her sight grew dim and she watched as the earth drank the water from her tears with a ravenous appetite. Wygar patted her other shoulder and she wanted to cry even harder and laugh - both at the same time.

The two men were so different but so different, she couldn't even begin to tell - and yet both of them seemed genuinely bothered by her tears.

What kind of person I must have been, she wondered, to make them care so much about me?

But do they?

The little voice that whispered in her head questioned her trust. Should she really trust Wygar and Axiel? For all she knew, they could have been lying, faking their feelings.

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