Chapter 9

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Hi there everybody!

And we're finally at chapter 9 :) I hope you've been enjoying this story so far! ^^

As usual, the next update will come at the next Friday, May 3rd. 

I'll see you there!

Chapter 9

Her eyes felt heavy, and though she knew she needed to wake up, she couldn't open her eyes. Taking a deep breath, she was pleased to notice that the scents around her were of flowers and freshly baked cinnamon buns.

The other bright side, she thought as she tried to move her fingertips and hissed at the pain, was that she was lying on something soft. Warm. It wasn't as cold as it was that last time, with the freezing rain constantly pelting her body... No. She felt cozy. Trying to move around, the soft surface underneath her body made her smile. It felt like a hug.

Letting out a relieved sigh, Nephelle pondered over what could have happened this time. Her memory was fuzzy, she didn't know why she had ended there again or... had she ever left? Her last memories were of waking up in a cold field on a rainy day. What if all of what happened afterward was her imagination? Some sort of madness that took hold of her as she died in the open field? There was a part of her that didn't want to know, didn't want to risk it. She just wanted to get even cozier in her comfortable place and slip back into an easy slumber.

However, she was never one for picking the easy way out – and while the comfort of numbness called to her with the power of a siren, she knew she was awake. It was time to face her new world and new situation, whatever it might be.

Finally opening her eyes, it took her a moment to recognize where she was, but soon the familiarity that had grown over the last few days brought her relief. She recognized the blinds covering the window, the old wood dresser standing close by the door that led to her bathroom and the wood chair, right now standing empty by her side.

She was in her room, inside of the Owen's house.

Out of nowhere, the memories of the last couple days slammed into her head - making Nephelle wince and lift a hand to massage her temple. As the image of Fox reaching towards her became clearer, she soon found herself sitting on the bed.

Her stomach was quick to protest, and even though she tried to breathe deeply, there was no way around it. Soon she found herself doubled over on the bed, turning her head so she could throw up away from where she was currently lying on.

The violent reaction of her stomach made a couple of tears slip from her eyes, but soon she managed to reign it back in. She needed to find out what had happened after she had fainted.

And why she wasn't dead.

"Ma! Ma! She's sick again!"

Some part of her recognized Fox's voice and followed his progress as he entered the room and gently rubbed her back.

Relaxing under his touch, she tried to breathe deeply and calm down her racing heart. 

Finally finished, Nephelle turned to glance at the boy as the last painful tremors left her body.

A sequence of images detailing everything that had happened that night ran once more through her head... This time, however, it focused on the fact that Fox had been there.

Fox had seen what she had done.

"What?" she stuttered and Fox sighed, touching her forehead with the back of one of his hands, while the other one rested on the bed.

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