Chapter 1

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THIS IS UNEDITED! And started by little 14 year old me and I have changed a pls keep your mean comments to yourself. Lol it was 5 years ago now and if this book isn't for you then kindly stop reading. Thanks!


"Shit sorry!" I say while picking up the books dropped because I had bumped into this person. I had to whisper because we are in the library.

"Sorry!" The person says at the same time as me. I help her pick up books without looking at her. But I could tell it was a girl by her voice. Her voice was so quiet, almost like a whisper. I look up to piercing blue eyes. Almost sad looking eyes. But they were gorgeous. I stand up before I fall internally in love with whoever this person is. I stand up and see light brown wavy hair. Brown hair, ocean eyes, this girl is the definition of beautiful. She looks at me then starts walking away. Um okay?

"Well bye then," I say as she walks out the door to the library.

Well that was a nice moment.

I want to know her name. She looks so interesting. Like a mystery waiting to be solved. Just then a pair of arms wrap around my shoulder. It was Devin.

"Whatcha lookin at?" He asks guiding me out of the library. I don't answer and I just walk up to the librarian.

"Excuse me miss," I say catching the old ladies  attention "the girl that just walked out of the library with the Pride and Prejudice book, what is her name?" She looks toward the door as if she will still be there. When I turn to see why she is still looking I see the girl again. She is crouching down to the floor picking up a book that we must have missed. I noticed the Pride and Prejudice book when I bumped into her and picked it up. A girl with a taste for old fashioned novels, she is extraordinary. I run to her before she leaves again.

"Um, hi," I say and she looks back at me with those piercing blue eyes again, her hand still on the doorknob.

"Hi," she responds in a quiet voice.

"I'm Matthew, or most people call me Matt," I wait for her to tell me her name. I raise and eyebrow and then she puts the puzzle pieces together.

"Oh, I-I'm Bella." She says still in a quiet voice. I smile at her.

"That's a nice name," Just when she opens her mouth to say another word Devin nudges me in the shoulder and she stops talking.

"Dude! We gotta go to practice," I look back to see Bella but she is gone. I groan.

"Great job man!" I say sarcastically looking at Devin.

He has been my best friend since we were born. My parents and his parents run a company together, they were all best friends in college and decided to take on a company for themselves. I don't exactly know what they do because I don't usually care.

"What?! It's not like you actually stood a chance with her," those words make me frown "I mean. She is too quite. She may be pretty but she has no personality. And yes, I learned that from the thirty seconds I looked at her." What does he know about this girl. He probably likes her. I want to laugh at the thought that Devin would like someone like her. Dammit am I foreshadowing like those clueless ass girls in books?

"Introverted, quite, beautiful, shy, likes reading, she's so freaking perfect." I say in awe while walking to the change room.

"Hey man, don't go falling in love with a girl you just met. I mean literally! You were with her for 1 minute!" He did have a point there.

"Whatever," I mumble entering the change room where all of my teammates are already shirtless. Devin was the quarterback, I was the running back. I change into my grey sweats and a red muscle tank. I throw the football with Devin when I notice the girl from the library. She was sitting on an old bench. Leaning on one of the benches arms while her feet were on top of the bench pressed up against her. She was reading under trees and was all the way across the field in the shade. She was wearing black leggings and a red sweatshirt.

"Ow!" I hiss at Devin as he throws the football right into my face.

"It's not my fault you weren't paying attention," he hisses back. I glare at him then throw the football at him so hard then he stumbles back as it hits his stomach. He groans and I start jogging up to the girl, Bella, that was her name. I'm pretty sure her name even means beauty.

"Uh hi," I say as I approach her. She was so attached to her book when she glances up it looks like she will murder me. But her glare softens to a little smile.

"Hi," she responds.

"So, is this somewhere you go to a lot." I say while sitting down on the bench next to her leaning my arms on my thighs. I notice her attention drawn to the tank top I'm wearing that is showing my muscles through the sides. I smirk at her and her attention goes and stays fixed on my eyes. I have never seen her here before but I guess I never really payed attention.

"Yeah, it's pretty peaceful here." She looks around at the tree over hear and the pond next to her. Then the flowers scattered along the ground. Yes I know, you have a pond in your school? Yeah we do! I notice my coach walking up to the boys.

"I gotta go," I say looking at her for something, some signal she doesn't want me to leave. I don't see what the something was but I sure wanted to find out.

"Okay," she waves her hand as a goodbye and then glued her eyes on the book which she looks like she is almost done. I jog back quickly to the team. Coach doesn't like when we miss or are late for practice.

"Smith!" He calls at me. He always calls us by our last names.

"Yes coach,"

"You're late!"

"Only by a few seconds sir."

"Next time you are even a few seconds late you will be benched for a game." See this is what I was talking about when I said he was harsh. I glance over at the bench with her sitting on it. She looks so peaceful, like an angel in the dark.

A/N: Not every book is written in the females pov. To add to that, I said in the description it included both povs. I'm sure you can figure out who's POV this part is written in. Thank you.

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