Little Brother

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Jughead's Pov

So Betty and I have been dating for a little while now and we're at the part in our relationship where we introduce each other to our parents and she's coming over tonight to meet mine and stay over. I got my room all set up. With a bunch of fuzzy blankets because they're her favorite, all our favorite movies, some soda and chips with a few other snacks. I also got her favorite hoodie of mine.

I heard a knock at the door, it must be Betty. I bolted down the stairs managing to not trip over my feet. I swung the door open to see the back of my blonde beauty's head. She spun around smiling her radiant smile. I smiled and grabbed her waist. 

"Hey beautiful"

I pulled her close to me, so close I could feel her breath. That smelt of vanilla and coke, my favorite.

"Hey cutie"

She put her hands on my chest and leaned in to kiss me. I leaned down and our lips met, sending a warm tingly feeling through my body. Probably because I hadn't kissed her in over 24 hours. She pulled away.

"Do you think they'll like me?'

She asked nervously, I could tell she cared a lot about them approving her.

"Betts, of course. They'll love you I mean who wouldn't? You're smart, talented, sweet, hot, sexy, beautiful, did I mention hot?"

"Yes Juggy you did, but I'm being serious"

"So am I"

I wrapped my arms all the way around her locking them in the back.

"I promise ok?"


She giggled and hug me

"You have a cute giggle"

I whispered then she giggled again.

"Come on. To the kitchen"

I said in a superhero like voice. She laughed and I chuckled pulling her hand dragging her to the kitchen. We walked in and everyone was standing there talking until they saw us and smiled.

"Hey Betty I'm FP, it's nice to finally meet you seeming Jug here talks about you all the time"

I mentally facepalm myself and she giggles, gosh that giggle. She shook his hand.

"Baby could you not giggle it's gonna kill me, it's way too cute"

"Wow someone's in love...Anyways I'm Gladys, and it's also a pleasure to meet the first person who stole my son's heart"

She hugged Betty.

"Also nice to meet the person who gave birth to my happiness...ok ew that was really cringey but true."

I blushed. Hard. Then I walked up to Betty and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind. I rested my forehead on her shoulder. Then I heard JB start talking but remained in my position.

"Hi I'm JB, Let's be besties"

"Yes totally, but I'm gonna need your number, so let's talk later"


"My other son is here, he should be done with his homework by now hang on... Josh!"

Then I heard running from upstairs and footsteps coming down the stairs. I lifted my head and rested my chin on her shoulder. Then Josh came walking in looking at a paper not paying attention

"Yeah, dad?"

"Betty is here, Jug's girlfriend remember I told you she was coming"

"Yeah, yeah. Hi"

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