Bus Ride

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Betty's Pov

I wake up the bouncing of the bus and my head hitting the window. I look to see Veronica, Cheryl, and Toni talking next to me.

Betty- Hey guys...

Veronica- Hey sleepy head 

Betty- What? I was really moving back there

Cheryl- So were we

Betty- True, but I guess Jughead being upset makes me upset and when I'm upset I get tired

Toni- So that's why you aren't sitting with him... why is he upset?

Betty- Because when he shot the last basket for the win the ball hit the rim and bounced off giving us the loss

Toni- Oh I wasn't really paying attention

Veronica- Cause' you were to busy staring at Cheryl

Both Toni and Cheryl's faces went beet red I giggled. As V, C, and T started a conversation I glanced back at Jug who was in the last seat, staring out the window. He looked so sad and all he did was miss a basket. Can't be that big of a deal? Can it?

Betty- Can you guys excuse me? I wanna go talk to Jug

Veronica- Yeah sure

They moved out of the way and I made my way to where Jug was.

Betty- Juggy, can I sit?

I said softly and he nodded.  I sat down, kinda far away from him.

Betty- How are you feeling?

I said softly again. He shook his head and looked down. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder.

Betty- Why are you so upset?

Jughead- Because... I missed the one shot that would have gotten us to finals. Me. I'm the one who screwed it up. Just like I screw everything else up and now I sound petty. Argh! It's just... annoying. Y'know?

Betty- It'll be ok, don't beat yourself up about it ok? And yeah it's annoying, everyone messes up but you just have to practice

Jughead- Easy for you too say, you're a cheerleader. Your friends don't yell at you and threaten you if you mess up, mine do

By then my blood was boiling. No one is allowed to be mean to my Juggy. 

Betty- Who?

I said in an angry tone

Jughead- Who...?

Betty- Who was being mean? Tell me right now

Jughead- Reggie...

He mumbled. I stood up and walked over to his seat and he is laying across the seat with a smug look on his face. 

Reggie- Hey sexy, get sick of Donnie Darko?

Betty- 1. Shut the fuck up 2. Why are you so hard on him and don't even be like 'oh he can't fight his own battles' cause' he sure as hell can. Now speak!

Reggie- Because he shouldn't even be on this team he sucks!

Oh that crossed the line. I bent down and grabbed a fist of cloth from his shirt, I lifted him off of the seat and kneed him in his no-no square.

Reggie- Argh! Ugh! Ow! 

He doubled over grabbing his groin. I put my hand on his shoulder and swung my fist so it met his cheek, definitely leaving a bruise. I walked back over and sat with Jug as the girls were clapping.

Jughead- Betts I didn't need you to do that

Betty- I know but it put you in a better mood hence why you called me 'Betts' Juggy

He smiled and crashed his lips into mine. I straddled his lap and we made out for a few minutes until we had to catch our breath. 

Jughead- I love you so much

Betty- And I love you with all my heart

I leaned forward and rested my head in the crook of his neck as he wrapped his arms around me. I instantly fell asleep.

A/N: This is not proof read, so sorry for any mistakes I may have made.

624 words not including this, Terrible I know. Anyways have a good day:)

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