Panty Raid

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Jughead's POV

A- Come on Jug
J- No
A- Why?
J- Because Betty is in there
A- Well we are doing it with or without you
J- Give me a minute
Archie and the guys are trying to get me to do a panty raid on the girls.
J- Fine-
A- Yes!
J- But,
A- But?
J- But, I swear to god if any of you take Betty's you will pay
S- Deal
F- Let's roll
We get to their cabin and Archie swings the door open.
All- Ahh!!!!
They run in and start stealing the girls's underwear from their dressers. I just ran over to Betty.
B- Juggy, what are you doing?
J- Stealing your panties
B- No!
J- Too late
I open up her dresser and take all of her underwear.
B- Juggy stop, I need those
J- Well I need them now
B- Why?
J- So I can be closer to you
B- Can't you just come sleep with me?
J- I mean if you-
I was cut off by Archie pulling my arm.
A- Come on Jug!
J- Bye baby, I love you
B- I love you too Juggy
We got back to our cabin and I stuffed Betty's underwear in my pillowcase. I heard a knock on our door, so I opened it and there stood my Betty Cooper.
J- Hey Betts, what's up?
B- I think one of your buds took a pair of my panties
J- What! I told them not to, Ugh I'm so sorry baby
B- It's okay Juggy, can I have them back?
She asked sheepishly
J- Of course darling
I turn around and walk back in.
J- Alright who the hell has a pair of Betty's panties!
A- Uh me dude...
J- Archie I told you no!
A- I'm sorry
J- Just give em' to me
He handed them to me and I gave them to her. She turned to leave, but I grabbed her arm and spun her around. She giggled and I put my hands on her waist. I leaned in and my mouth was less than a centimeter from hers.
J- I love you, beautiful
B- I love you, handsome
I kissed her and I swiped my tongue across her bottom lip. She gave me entrance. She pulled me closer and held my neck tightly. We pulled away for air.
B- Come snuggle with me?
J- How could I say no?

A/N: This is not proof read, so sorry for any mistakes I may have made.

405 words not including this. Hope you enjoyed, If you have any suggestions let me know.

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