Chapter 13 : Two Souls , Two Songs

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I can't fucking believe it. Why would he do such a thing? Jesus it's cold out here. Well..what should I do now? I can't go to my mother's place, maybe my former father will be there..can't go back to Yoongi's place.. Maybe I should just go home. Yeah, I could really use some food right about now.

'Shit..what about my gem? I mean.. maybe it could heal itself? Ah fuck it.. I'll just let it be for now, if it gets worse, I'll ask mom about it. For now I'll just go home, get me some food, and bingewatch Stranger Things.' Jimin thought while walking back to his and Bogum's apartment. Maybe he'll just stay at home for a little while, they didn't have school the next day anyways.

I walked along the sidewalk with my headphones singing me a soft song, I was thoughtless and just looking around. The old trees, the dark starless sky, anything that was in my vision.

🎶I am just a fool, to keep on chasin' after nothing great
You are just a fool, to keep pretendin' that you're lovin' me
I dont know where I'm supposed to go🎶

My eyes looked dull and felt dull, my heart was aching to be fixed, my legs wanted to give up, but I carried through and arrived at the front of the apartment complex.

🎶Call me on the phone at three, I'll talk to you while half asleep
Complaining 'bout your mother so I take you to the cemetery
Rant to me I like the sound, I like your voice, I like your mouth🎶

I went inside and greeted the receptionist with a tired and sad smile, while walking I reached into my back pocket and expected to feel my keys but to no avail.

'I must've left them inside.. fuck my life..'

I went back to the front desk and tapped the lady on the shoulder. She looked liked a 40 something year old woman, with a vest on and her hair up in a clean ponytail.

"May I help you?" She asked while looking at me with a small smile

"Hi um... I was you guys have a spare key for room 1013? I was going somewhere and I guess I forgot my keys." I asked while looking at the surroundings like I'm interested in them when in reality I'm not.

"Oh! Of course! Just wait for one moment." She went behind the desk to all the spare keys, chanting quietly '1013'.

"You're pretty gloomy today huh? I mean no shit sherlock. Just by the look on your face, I'm guessing something bad happened today." Said the receptionist as she was getting a spare key.

"Y-Yeah..something.. bad happened.." I say as I take my spare key and walk towards the elevator, saying a small 'thank you' along the way.

I pressed the up button and waited for a bit. Once the elevator was there, I got inside and pressed the '10' button to go in the 10nth floor. Music was still playing in my ears, it was Fool by Cavetown. Jungkook introduced me to it a few days ago. I heard a little ding and got out of the elevator, heading to Bogum and I's apartment.

🎶Cycling to school at seven-thirty in the morning
I am still your baby boy, I'm stuck in twenty-thirteen
Don't understand my body
Washing machine confuses me🎶

I opened the door with my keys and went inside. I slid down the door while crocodile tears were pouring out of my small droopy eyes, song coming to a halt as I press 'stop'.

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