Backstory Part 2

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We exited the vents and wounded up in the forest. I didn't know what was going on. Why did they kill my father! What did they want with me?
"Sarah? Are you ok? Did they hurt you?" This random guy saved my life. I have no idea who he was but I felt drawn to him. "You probably have a lot of questions but let's get out of here first". I followed him into black Toyota Camry. He drives so fast. Well under the circumstances we needed to get out of there fast. I couldn't stay awake once we exited the gates. I fell asleep. Hopefully whoever this guy is he's helping me for all the right reasons.

"Sarah we're here. Wake up please" he was shaking me awake. When I opened my eyes we were at a motel.
"Where are we? How long have I been asleep?" I said panicking.
"We're in Iowa. You've been asleep for about 6 hours. Don't worry we're safe for now. But we can't stay long" he assured me
"Wait so we drove from Missouri to Iowa in 6 hours? That was quick! And I was asleep the whole time!" He laughed at me like it was super funny. "What's so funny? When are you gonna answer any of my questions?
"Let's get checked in and settled and I'll tell you what you wanna know" he told me. I followed him to the front desk to check in. After we got our keys we went straight to our room.
"Now spill. What in the world did those guys want with me?" I sat on the bed and laid back against the pillows.
"You're an experiment. Dr.Smithery was apart of the experiment. He is your real father. But your mother was a werewolf. She died giving birth to you. Because they never had a hybrid baby born before they didn't know what to expect. They didn't know you to be so strong growing in your mother. You wanted more food than normal pregnancies. And also made her crave human blood towards your due date. So because she didn't want to do that she was to weak by delivery day. So I was told. Dr.Smithery was scared of what Lionel was gonna do to you once he found out that his daughter was growing weak. So they both ran away. I along with them. I was only 5 at that time. I'm an orphan but The Doctor took care of me. Even if I wasn't a vampire he loved like his own. I had to be taken away by another close friend of the doctors to keep you safe. They trained me for this day". I was listening so intently. How did my life become so interesting. I guess my face looked so confused cause when I looked up at him to listen again he was just staring at me. "Are you ok Sarah? Is this to much?" I nodded that I'm ok.
"Please go on" I added.
"My whole life all I've known and was trained to do was to protect you Sarah. Nothing else. You are the most important person to me right now. So please do as I say if we gotta move quickly" I was in shock that someone was devoted to me like this. Only brought up to protect me.
"What's your name?" I asked
"My name is Devon" he smirked laying down on the bed. "I'm gonna get some rest. I know you just woke up but just stay put don't go anywhere. Watch Tv or something" he added. So I just laid there watching Law and Order SVU on the tv.
Hours had gone by I watched about 6 episodes of SVU. The theme song at the end of the show came on and I saw Devon moving from the corner of my eye.
"What time is it? Oh no not you too! You watch Law and Order too!" I just giggled.
"You were sleeping for about 5 hours. And yes it's my favorite" I said getting up and off the bed towards the bathroom. I closed the bathroom door and stared at myself in the mirror.
Knock knock knock.
"Sarah open the door quickly!" Devon demanded. I immediately opened the door. "You need to hide!" He demanded me. So I went into the linen closet. I heard someone knock on the main front door. I heard Devon open the door. I could barely hear what was being said. "It's just me inside sir. If you want you check the facilities" I heard Devon say. Was someone looking for us? We been gone for about a day now. I mean I don't even know if Lionel was looking for me. I finally heard the front door close and Devon came and opened the linen closet. "That was close. We should be fine for now. But we gotta get going. I gotta take you home to the home world. The door I want you to go through is in Hawaii so I gotta hurry and get you on an airplane" Did he say Hawaii! Oooh I'm so excited! I never been to Hawaii I'm glad I have my ring! It lets me walk in the sun!
"Get to the car Sarah. Your flights in two hours let's go" as he closed his phone. Grabbed his keys and walked out the door. Hawaii here I come.

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