Part 4 BT

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We were awaken by the door bell at the front door. We got dressed quickly and ran downstairs. "Housekeeping" followed by 3 knocks. Devon opened the door. "I will do a few touch up? Any requests?" The Housekeeper asked.
"Yes actually the clothes in the bedroom. May you please wash and put them away in the dresser please. Also May you ask room service to come up?" Devon told housekeeper. She then radioed for room services to come up as she headed towards the bedroom.
"I'm gonna go wash up. I'll be right back" I went to the downstairs bathroom since the housekeeper was upstairs. I can't believe that I had my first kiss and lost my virginity all in one night. I fell bad though. Devon said he wish I was his mate. But what happens when he does find his mate? What happens to me? I started to feel depressed at the thought. I can't feel like this I need to be happy. In the honeymoon stage. I walked back out thinking that at least I have him for now. "Is everything ok?" I asked since he was still standing by the door.
"Yes it's just I'm trying to listen to the housekeeper. I can tell she's a werewolf. I wanna make sure she's not working with Lionel. Will you wait here for room service to come take out order" he walked upstairs to check on the lady. I minute later the server came to take our order.
"May I have a menu? I don't know what to order. I'm so sorry" the server smiled and handed me the menu. I opened the menu and there was a sticky note taped to the menu. It read IF YOU NEED A BLOOD BAG LMK NOW. I looked up and her eyes were red. She also showed her fangs. "Yes please! Also can I get a Kalua Pig loco moco?" It's sounds so delicious! I also get a blood bag awesome! "How did you know?"
"Usually we can sense our own kind. How come you can't?" She smiled and asked. I'm not sure why I can't? I'm trying to think why I can't sense other vampires. Or Werewolves. Well looks I have a lot of training to do.
"I'm not sure?" I told her. "Can we wait a few minutes for my husband. He's upstairs. I'm not sure what he wants" the server nodded. "Hunny! Will you come down and order please?" Shortly after Devon descended the stairs.
"Yeah I'll take two eggs over easy with 3 strips of bacon, 3 pork sausage, and a stack of pancakes thank you" He looked up and smiled. I noticed that the server did not look happy. "Is something the matter?" Devon asked.
"No, I just didn't realize that a vampire was stupid enough to marry a mutt" she spat out. "I'll bring your food and a blood bag. I just don't approve of this. Happy Honeymoon" with that she left us. Woah was that something that will be happening all the time.
"She was a feisty one. Don't let that bother you ok. Remember you are one of us" Devon assures me. "After breakfast we shall start training. Later tonight we'll have a great dinner at the restaurant down stairs. My friends will be here later tonight ok". I smiled and took his hand and we waited for breakfast to return.
"I've been thinking Devon. About what you said about being my protector.....The bite? ....I want you to do it" I looked up at him and his eyes were so serious. "Are you ok?" He took my hand and stood up. I stood up along with him.
"Are you sure Sarah?" I nodded and he took a knee and knelt down in front of me. "It'll be an honor to your true protector for my whole life. Is it alright if I bite you here?" He stroked my arm. I shook my head.
"No why not bite somewhere not noticeable? Like my shoulder?" He just laughed.
"Those spots are reserved for your mate. Don't worry this bite won't show. It'll fade within the few hours and a new mark shall appear. It won't look like a bite my love I promise".
"Ok you may bite me here then" I said pointing to my wrist. Might as well I was gonna get a tattoo there soon eventually. As he bit into my wrist I could feel something coursing through my veins it didn't hurt per say. It stung though. I did feel pleasure along with it. I let out a slight moan. "You promise it wont kill me right?" I had to ask after. Since usually werewolf bites kill vampires.
"It shouldn't since you have werewolf blood coursing through your veins". I hope he is right. Last thing I want is to say yes to this and I die. All his training all these years out the window. "The food should be here any minute" after he said that the door bell rang and he ran to the door and grabbed our food. I had to hide so that she didn't see the blood from my wrist. We sat at the dining table and ate our food. Thank Goodness for the blood bag I don't think I could of lasted another day without feeding on blood.
"Now it's time for training" Devon said after we finished our food. We went out side on the lanai area. This balcony was huge. He cleared the space of chairs and tables. He started teaching me the basics. After awhile he started teaching me more and more. I never knew how quick I was. I never tried to do any of this stuff. I didn't realize what time it was until I heard the doorbell. "It must be the room service. I told them come around 2". Great food. I was getting a little hungry. It was a different server than this morning. I think she's human cause she didn't offer any blood this time. Dang it. Maybe for dinner. We ate lunch and got ready to go explore the hotel. We got down to pool area and it was like an amusement park. So many slide and thing a to do. Also a bar in the water! That was so awesome! It was so much fun swimming. I could spend the whole day here. It was about 6pm when we got out of the water. We headed back to the room to get ready for dinner.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"You'll see" he laughed.
"Hi welcome to HUMUHUMUNUKUNUKUAPUAA. Table for two?" The hostess asked. Was that really the name? That's the longest restaurant name ever. We followed her to our table. I enjoyed this whole day. It was so much fun. When our food had arrived I went to take a bite of the Mahi Mahi I have ordered but I immediately felt nauseous. I got so dizzy and everything went black.

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