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"I woke up it the hospital 3 days later! With a belly! Devon had taken me through the portal and brought me to the home world hospital. He didn't want the humans to find out what we are. But I a size of a cantaloupe about 7 months pregnant. Even though it had been only 4 days since Devon and I had sex. I was scared out of my mind" my mom told us.
"So you were pregnant to us?" I asked. Mom nodded. So Devon. Is our dad? "Devon is our dad?"
"Then why isn't he here? Why did you tell us that a werewolf killed him? So our whole life you lied to us!" Dreamantha yelled.
"It was for a good reason" my mom said calmly. "Dream darling. You are The Hybrid that they wanted. Headquarters. I've been watching your behavior, things you do, etc. You are different my love. Devon stayed away to keep Lionel off our tail. He thinks your back home in the home world. That's why we're not living there now. I've always kept Devon in the loop though. About how you both were doing" everything mom was saying made sense. But why only now tell us. I mean so all in one day we find out that Dream and I are twins. Yet she's a hybrid!
"Is that why she's mated to a werewolf?" I found myself asking.
"Yes, I believe so. I didn't think that was gonna happen before I was able to explain our life story to you on your guys 1800 birthday. That's why I attacked Mason. I thought that Lionel had found us. I was about to lose you!" Mom looked down ashamed at what happened. " Your mix or Vampire and Werewolf is not the first of this world. But you are the first born into this world. Your powers are beyond what they have ever seen. I've seen stuff that you can do. You probably never even noticed" Mom added. I have seen some stuff too. Like when Dream gets mad her eyes changed to a bright red color. She's much stronger than I am and also faster. Were those really signs of her being a hybrid? How did I not see that? Wait so Headquarters? Isn't that the guys were watch the door? Fuck. No. Way. Dreamantha is mated to a guy who works for the ones who want us. Well this is gonna suck to say.
"Dream? Mom? I don't know if we noticed but, Mason works for headquarters. He's a werewolf and if he figures out what or who you are Dream do you think he'll turn you in? I mean how do you even know that this whole mate thing is for real? It could be made up!" I screamed out.
"It's not made up Lexi" a deep male voice came from behind us. "If it wasn't for me finding mine after you both were born. I would of thought your mother was my mate" it added. We all turned towards the front door.
"Devon, you here finally! I'm so glad you made it. Were you followed? Where's Kimberly? Is she ok with this?" Mom said as she hugged Devon. Our dad. Who's Kimberly?
"I wasn't followed, Kimberly is following behind me to make sure. She will be here shortly. Now where are my girls. Can I finally meet them?" Mom gestures toward me and Dream on the kitchen table. Devon walked towards us like he was on a mission so tough and I didn't know what to say. I mean who doesn't call or write for 1700 years? Should we stand up and hug him? Well who cares. I stood up and motioned for Dream too. Devon our father stood in front of us and he cried. He dropped to his knees and full on cried. This tough guy dropped in front of his daughters and cried. "I'm so sorry you girls had to live a life without your father. Your mother was and I just was trying to keep you safe. Also I want you to meet my wife. Kimberly" he gestured to the lady who was walking in the door. "She's my mate. I was lucky to meet her while back in the home world keeping an eye on Lionel. She helped me keep you guys safe"
"Hi girls I'm so happy to finally meet you in person" she was so beautiful. Long blonde curly hair with some black highlights. Dark black eyes. Dad definitely got lucky with mom and her.
"Dad" I said with a strain. Definitely something I will need to get use to. "Please stand up, you don't need to do that" I waved my hand to motion for him to stand up. "I understand what you and mom had planned to keep up safe"
"I don't" Dreamantha butted in. "How could just up and leave us to be with her" she pointed towards Kimberly. "Mate or not. We are your daughters! Didn't you love us!?" She started crying! Her eyes started to turn red again. Oh No.
"Dreamantha. So you're the hybrid. That's awesome. Now I just have to train you to control your werewolf. She seems to have quite the temper" our dad giggled. I couldn't help but giggle too. So Dreamantha's werewolf has a temper? Like she's another person? "I can help you with getting to know your wolf and how to handle her. If you'd let me. But you have to calm down. I didn't come here to upset you. I know that you were told I was dead your whole life but it was for your own safety. I need you to understand that now that you know about everything. We are all not safe staying in one place. We will need to keep moving so I suggest that we get packing" our father had a very serious time at the end. Are we suppose to just up and leave now? What about our friends and Dreams new mate? Should we tell him about leaving. I was so lost in thought that I didn't know everyone started packing already. Well we can figure that out later. I headed straight to my room and started packing all my clothes. Here's to a new start.

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