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New York City during the day was crowded, loud, and kind of the worst. But New York City at night? That was a completely different story. It was still crowded and loud, but it was also lit up like a Christmas tree. Alexandra always enjoyed swinging around the city at night. It gave her a sense of peace. But for a city that supposedly never slept, things were awfully quiet that night in Queens.

Patrols were standard for Spider-Woman. She swung around for a few hours and kept an eye on things, and stopped bad people from doing bad things.

Alexandra Wallace's life had changed rather drastically and all at once a year prior. Several crazy things had happened her sophomore year of high school. For one thing, she found out her best friend was Spider-Man and got kidnapped by a crazy scientist with giant mechanical arms. Then she nearly drowned from said kidnapping and to be honest, the East River still scared her. Later that year, towards the end, she had gone on a field trip to Stark Industries and had been attacked by a jealous ex-worker of Tony Stark's.

That wasn't the end of that trouble, though. Because then she was kidnapped (again) by this guy, along with another crazy ex-employee of Tony Stark's who gave her a sickness that was supposed to kill her, but, thanks to her boyfriend's enhanced blood, she was saved. Right, she and Peter Parker had started dating last year, too.

Oh yeah, and his blood gave her spider-like abilities. They included, but were not limited to: being able to stick to walls (which was honestly super cool once she got the hang of it), and being able to lift up to five tons at a time. Peter was able to lift a lot more than her, for reasons they still weren't entirely sure of, but hey—five tons was five tons. She was still stupid strong. 

Again, her life had gone from weird to super weird sophomore year.

The summer between sophomore and junior year was when she became Spider-Woman. Tony Stark had designed her a suit and everything, so she was pretty legit. The only people who knew about her wall crawling antics were Mr. Stark, her father (who also happened to secretly work for Stark—yet another crazy thing she had discovered that year), her friend Ned, Maria Hill and, of course, Peter.

It was kind of impossible for Peter not to know about it. They were crime fighting partners, after all.

Queens had been doing really well ever since Peter came onto the scene as Spider-Man, and when Alexandra also entered the fight as Spider-Woman, the burrow had been prospering. Crime rates were at an all time low, and Alexandra was having the time of her life.

"You know," Peter called as the two swung through the city, "it's getting close to eleven!"

Ah, curfew. One of the rules of Peter and Alexandra's spidering was that they had to be in bed and asleep by one on the weekends, eleven on school nights. That's why Alexandra preferred Friday nights and especially Saturdays above all other nights. It gave her more time to be out and about the city.

But it was Sunday night. So she had to be home at eleven.

Alexandra had only broken curfew a few times, and only when she really needed to. The first time had been because a convenient store was being robbed around midnight, so she didn't end up getting home until around 1:45 that morning. Needless to say, her father had been quite upset with her. He had been forced to tell her other father, Leo (the one who didn't know about her Spider-Woman-ing), that she was staying the night at her friend Kai's house.

"I guess we should start heading back then!" Alexandra replied.

The two spider-kids took off over their city, swinging back towards their apartment building. Again, Alexandra only missed curfew when she absolutely had to. So when she heard a young man calling for help, she decided curfew was going to have to wait. "Hey, Spidey, there's someone in trouble over here!" She said to him.

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