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Alexandra had never been more excited for a Friday in her entire life. Yes, Fridays on their own were pretty great, but with the field trip to the Museum of Modern Art being that day, it was an insanely huge plus. She was practically bouncing with excitement as she entered the kitchen, and surprised to see both of her fathers sitting at the table. Normally, her dad was already at work and her Papa was making breakfast alone. But that Friday was different. They were sitting together at the table, each holding a mug of coffee, having a nice, quiet conversation together.

The sight alone made Alexandra's heart swell with happiness.

She grinned as she walked into the kitchen, grabbing a slice of toast off the table and shoving it into her mouth and then going in for another piece. Ever since she had gained the same powers as Peter, her appetite had increased. She was glad her dad at least knew, that way he could come up with excuses for her papa to buy extra snacks when he went to the store.

"Whoa, slow down, Alex," Her Papa laughed at the sight of his daughter's cheeks stuffed with toast. "The toast isn't going anywhere, you've got time."

Alexandra swallowed her breakfast and smiled widely. "Sorry! Just excited about the field trip today is all!" She replied, glancing down at her phone as she did so. "Oh! And afterwards Kai asked if I could spend the night at her house, is that cool?"

"Sure, sweetie," Leo replied with a smile. "Just make sure you give us updates every few hours, okay? You know the drill."

There was the normal morning knock on the door at eight o'clock on the dot. Alexandra went to answer it and Peter stood in the hallway with a grin. He was always there at eight in the morning, ready to walk with Alexandra to school. Ever since Alexandra had dawned her mask and hood and become Spider-Woman, she had felt much more safe walking to and from places by herself, but she still loved to walk with Peter in the mornings and afternoons, plus it gave her parents some peace of mind.

"See you guys later! Love you!" Alexandra called as she left their apartment and headed outside with Peter. Once they were on the streets of Queens, heading towards the subway, Alexandra grabbed Peter's hand and smiled. "You bring your suit today?" She asked him. It was something they had each grown accustomed to asking each other in the morning. Some days, they each brought their suit, some days, neither. But most days they both did.

Peter nodded and gestured to his backpack. "When do I ever leave home without it?" He replied.

"When you need it, usually." She teased him, nudging his shoulder slightly. Peter pouted at her, causing Alexandra to burst out laughing.

"Allieeeeee!" He whined like a child. "You love me, you can't bully me!"

"It's not bullying!" She defended herself. "I'm only speaking the truth. But I guess the truth is too much for Spidey to handle." Alexandra grinned at Peter's frown.

Why had it taken so long for them to start dating again?

The general mood of students on Fridays were always better than the rest of the week. Everyone was always so excited and ready for the weekend, even Flash was in a good mood most Fridays. Honestly, ever since he and Alexandra had been paired together for a history project the previous year, Flash hadn't bothered her as much. He still picked on Peter and Ned, but he was typically nice to her.

It pissed her off.

"Alex!" Kai came running at her and almost ran into the wall of lockers, but caught herself right before she did so. Kai was clearly amped up for their trip to the MoMA, and it was kind of hilarious. Michelle came strolling up calmly behind her and rolled her eyes fondly. "Alex! Alex! People are already waiting at the front of the school for the bus!" She exclaimed, grabbing her best friend's hand and beginning to tug her down the hall. "Come on!"

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