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As Peter climbed aboard the 'flying space donut,' as Alexandra had so eloquently put, he couldn't help but feel like he should have listened to Mr Stark when he had FRIDAY release his suit's parachute. So much for staying close to the ground...

"Oh, man, I should have stayed on the bus," He muttered to himself as the ship's doors closed and he was truly trapped. There was no going back now, so he needed to find Mr Stark and the wizard. Which, to be honest, was easier said than done.

He had only ever been on a plane twice in his whole life, and he had struggled to find the bathroom at the back of the cabin then. This was like that only three thousand times worse and he was searching for a magical wizard and his mentor on a giant flying circle, and not a plane.

Yeah, Peter had made a mistake.

As he crawled through the ship, trying to find his way to Mr Stark and possibly the wizard, he found himself looking around in awe. As badly as this all sucked, Peter was on a real life space ship! It was like all of his Star Wars fantasies were finally coming true. All he needed now was a lightsaber and this really would be Star Wars.

Peter crawled across the ceiling as silently as possible before he spotted Mr Stark. He almost called out to him before he realized that he was supposed to be stealthy at the moment. He watched as the wizard's apparently sentient cape taped Mr Stark on the shoulder, to which the man responding with holding his arm up and prepare to fire, only to realize it was just a piece of cloth.

"Wow, you're a seriously loyal piece of outerwear, aren't you?"

Peter decided it was now or never. He lowered himself down towards Mr Stark, hanging by his webs upside down before nearly reaching the ground and announcing his presence. "Yeah, uh, speaking of loyalty..." He jumped down and his mask pulled away from his face just from him thinking about it (which was so many levels of awesome).

"What the..." Mr Stark began, with a look on his face that Peter could only describe as dumbstruck. Peter had shocked Mr Stark before, but only really in good ways. Like that time they had been working in the lab and Peter accidentally blew something up and jumped so high that he ended up sticking to the ceiling like a cartoon cat.

Mr Stark hadn't been able to stop laughing for at least five minutes.

This, on the other hand, was the type of 'shock' that equaled an angry mentor, and not the doubled over laughing one that Peter would have much rather faced in that particular moment.

So, Peter thought he would try to explain himself. "I know what you're gonna say—" He began.

"You should not be here!" Mr Stark pointed at him accusingly and Peter could only shrug.

"I was gonna go home!"

"I don't wanna hear it."

"But it was such a long way down, and I just thought about you on the way..."

"And now I gotta hear it!"

"...and kinda stuck to the side of the ship," Peter continued to explain as best he could. He really didn't like it when Mr Stark scolded him for all of the dumb things he did—but Peter had to admit, this dumb decision of his was probably one of the dumbest ones yet. But it wasn't his fault! "And this suit is ridiculously intuitive, by the way!"

"Goddamnit." He heard Mr Stark mutter under his breath.

"So, if anything, it's kinda your fault I'm here." The look on Mr Stark's face made Peter's spidey sense go off almost immediately and he raised his hands in surrender.

Across the Stars 🕷 Peter Parker [3]Where stories live. Discover now