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Her father was dead.

He died to get the Soul Stone, to help ensure that they would get everyone back. Natasha told her and her Papa (he'd been flown in as soon as Alexandra realized she needed to see him) as soon as their happy reunion was over. Their tears of joy had soon turned to tears of sorrow. Alexandra was in shock; first they had learned that Tony was in a coma and... now this? How was this fair, how was any of this fair?

And then she learned about what had happened in the five years that she had been gone.

Her parents had separated, apparently Papa had blamed her Dad for what happened to her, and her Dad had moved out. He had gone to the Avengers Compound, and he had been there with Natasha for five years. 

"Your father was one of the best men I've ever known," Natasha had said. "He talked about you a lot."

It was weird to think about—her dad being friends with Natasha Romanoff—but then, it also made a lot of sense. They had each lost everyone when Thanos snapped his fingers, and had lived in the same house for five years, it was only natural that they would become close.

Knowing that her father could have been in that battle with her, knowing that she could have seen him sooner, or one last time—it made Alexandra angry. Angry at the Soul Stone for taking him from her, angry with her Papa for pushing him away after she had gone, angry at the world for bringing her back to a universe where he didn't exist.

She stood up, her fists clenched at her sides. "Alex?" Her Papa asked gently, tears rolling down his cheeks. What did he have to be sad about? He left her dad, he made him leave when things got too hard. She glared at him before turning and walking out of the room.

The Wakandan palace was one of the most amazing places she had ever been in her life. Unfortunately, she was too angry and confused to admire it. Alexandra didn't even know where she was going, her feet seemed to be on autopilot. She walked the longest hallways, her brain completely turned off. She felt like she couldn't see, she couldn't hear anything except the ringing in her ears. And then, she stopped and stood still. Where was she?


Oh, Peter.

Her vision seemed to clear and in front of her sat a concerned looking Peter Parker. She was back in the waiting area, where Peter had apparently been for several hours. She stared at Peter, she opened her mouth, but no words came out. "Allie, what is it?" He asked, standing up and cautiously approaching her.

May glanced up from her book and also got to her feet.

"M-my..." She trailed off, shaking her head. Suddenly, it all sunk in and before she knew it, she was sobbing. "Dad... he's..." Alexandra choked on a sob and covered her face with her hands. She felt Peter's arms around her, keeping her from collapsing to the ground, and instead slowly helping her lower herself to her knees.

"Allie, what are you talking about?" Peter asked. "What's going on with your dad?"

Alexandra shook her head. "He's—gone." She sobbed, not knowing what else to say. What more was there to say? He was gone. He was dead. He wasn't coming back. No repeats, no do overs... They didn't have a time machine anymore, and even if they did, they wouldn't have been able to undo what had been done in order to get the Soul Stone.

May covered her mouth with her hand and immediately came over, dropping down on the floor beside the two teens. "Oh, Alex, honey..." She muttered, rubbing soothing circles over the young girl's back.

Peter and May looked at each other with sad eyes, they knew what this felt like, to lose someone close to you so suddenly and unexpectedly. It wasn't fair, Alexandra shouldn't have had to deal with that, too. "You're okay," Peter told Alexandra. He didn't want to say that it was okay, because it wasn't. In that moment, nothing was okay.


When Leo came rushing into the room several minutes later, he found his daughter sobbing on the floor with Peter and May Parker. The sight broke his heart.

Things would never be the same for them again.



Sorry for causing you all so much pain, but I think I lessened it a considerable amount, honestly. Think about it, I saved Natasha's life and Tony is alive for now! Yes, we lost our mans Colin, but we still have our boy Leo—even if Alex is mad at him. She's going through it okay??

I can't begin to tell you guys how much fun I've had writing this. I'm really glad you guys talked me into breaking free of the curse which is canon, because now I can do WHATEVER I WANT. Be on the lookout for the next book in this series!

It's called "It Takes Two" and Y'ALL I made a cover and it's the best cover I've ever made I'm SO PROUD OF MYSELF CHECK IT OUT:

It's called "It Takes Two" and Y'ALL I made a cover and it's the best cover I've ever made I'm SO PROUD OF MYSELF CHECK IT OUT:

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Anyway be on the lookout for this amazing cover because the next book is gonna be funnnnnnn!

Peter Parker and Alexandra Wallace will return in It Takes Two

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