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Since I was off the grid for so long I'm giving you guys an early update! Enjoy!


The ground was getting real close real fast, and Peter's sense was going completely crazy. He turned to Doctor Strange and Mr Stark. "Hey, what's going on?" He asked.

"I think we're here," Doctor Strange answered.

"I don't think this rig has a self-park function," Mr Stark added, which only made Peter worry more. So yeah, they were definitely going to crash. That was cool. And also scary. But at least Peter would get to say he had been in an alien spaceship crash before!

It sounded an awful lot like something that would happen in Star Wars, so that was also a win. But what was not a win the ground getting closer every passing second.

Mr Stark moved towards some weird metal contraption that Peter didn't know what to call. "Kid, get your hand inside the steering gimbal. Close those around it." Peter noticed another gimbal thingy directly parallel to the one Mr Stark was using. He quickly did as he was told, not wanting to become a spider-pancake. "You understand?"

"Yep, got it," Peter replied.

"This was meant for one, big guy, so we gotta move at the same time."

"Okay, okay, ready!" Peter said, though he definitely was not ready. The ground got closer and Peter began to panic. "We might, uh, wanna turn. Turn! Turn! Turn!"

Mr Stark's armor encased him as they moved their arms together, trying to land the giant donut as gracefully as possible. Peter had a feeling that the landing was going to be anything but graceful, though.

They crashed into a giant metal structure, causing a lot of the ship to break off and fly away. Peter was trying real hard to stay calm. This was nothing, this was just like driving a car... which he didn't know how to do. But how hard could it really be?

Peter's mask closed around his face and Doctor Strange threw up a golden sparkly circle in front of them. Peter assumed it was some sort of shield or protection spell, and that was totally cool, but also not something he had time to admire at the moment!

The ship crashed into the ground, parts went flying. So yeah, the landing could have gone slightly better, but it also could have been a lot worse. Peter counted that as a win. He groaned as he found himself above them both. Huh. Weird. Doctor Strange's spell disappeared as the wizard turned to Mr Stark. "You all right?"

"Yeah." Mr Stark replied. He helped Mr Stark to his feet. "That was close. I owe you one."

Peter came sliding down in front of them on his webs, dangling upside down, his spider sense going off. "Let me just say, if aliens wind up impacting eggs in my chest or something and I eat one of you, I'm sorry," He said.

Mr Stark gave him a look that was mixed with expressions of both relief and annoyance. "I do not want another single pop culture reference outta you the rest of the trip. You understand?"

Peter held up a hand and then pointed behind him. "I'm trying to say that something is coming."

Suddenly, a small metallic ball rolled up to their feet and an explosion sent them flying in all different directions. Peter let go of his web and found himself hitting the ground with a thud. He heard someone shout Thanos's name, but with the explosion that had just knocked him back, his senses were dialed up to an eleven immediately.

He gasped as every little noise brought him a bit of pain. One thing about the spider senses that sucked, when they were set off like that, everything was really, really loud. Not cool.

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