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Minji woke up with a start but that did not stop her from completing her morning routine. Her father was already at work and she was home alone. But her me-time did not last long. She was tucking in breakfast while reading the newspaper when the phone rang. It was a call from her father. She sighed and swiped to receive the call.

She tried to sound cheerful without letting the despondency carry over across the line and said, "Hey dad! What's up?"

Dad, "Honey, it isn't just about business this time as another important task awaits you. Reach the office an hour early. Wear your formals and make sure to look presentable."

She quickly assented. "Sure dad."

Dad piped in, "See ya."

She disconnected the call but her mind was already in a whirr as she was confused about what he was planning. Despite being the best spy in the company or maybe, even the district and a so-called mind-reader, her father was the only person who she couldn't seem to understand and the truth was rather, she didn't care to. After browsing through the paper for some more time, she glanced at the wall clock and realized that she should get ready if she wanted to be punctual. Soon, she was on her way.

Minji entered the company's premises and took the elevator to her father's office where, besides her father, she saw another man of about the same age. She entered and greeted both of them.

The man saw her and turned towards her father with a smile, "Indeed, she looks like your daughter and has the best combination of your wife's and your charms. She will be perfect for my son." He laughed as he mouthed the last sentence. Minji chuckled and thanked him for the compliment.

Minji's father realized that it was the time for some introductions, "Minji, this is Mr. Kim, my best friend and the second in command in the company. I suppose I have already told you about him several times."

Minji wondered if they were waiting for someone else and expressed it aloud.

Mr. Kim was the one who confirmed her hunch, "Yes, he is my..." he trailed off as someone else made a hurried entry.

The unknown was quick to jump into the conversation, "Sorry for being late and apologies for the interruption. Hi, Agent Pearl. I will be your partner in the mission." She had her back towards the door so he didn't see her face. She turned around, made a courteous bow to introduce herself. But what was this? When she raised her head she was in for a shock and registered it by practically yelling.

But she was not the only one. "Minji-ssi," was all that he managed to say.

Minji, "Oohhhh it's you, Joonie?" She almost hugged him "Long time, no?" he said as he approached her for a hug but Minji backed off while shooting a question, "Wait, wait, wait what are you doing here?"

He replied with a hint of impatience in his voice. "Let me cut the long story short. I am Mr. Kim's son and we are here for an unknown mission. But it seems that was not the only surprise awaiting me clearly since you will be my partner in the investigation."

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