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Minji drove back after visiting the office and completing some errands

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Minji drove back after visiting the office and completing some errands. She had made enquiries about Agent Rose and unearthed that the two were together in elementary school (though, of course she didn't remember it) along with Namjoon. Her mother was an agent too and she was in touch with Minji's mother. The thought bothered her and Minji wondered why. She tried to dismiss it by believing that, since both the mothers were agents, it could have been for a mission. Incidentally, both of them had been assassinated on the same day. Her father abandoned her and she was brought up by her uncle who was close to her parents. That's all that the agency revealed about her, for now. It was also said that further information would be provided when they were halfway with the plan. Minji was relieved to know that Agent Rose would not be living with them but in an adjoining house where she would have her own office. This was decided because the front that Namjoon and Minji were putting up was that of being in a relationship. "Not for real. I repeat not for real," Minji spoke to herself in the car.

Minji reached home with chicken wings and vanilla and choco chip ice cream tubs which was their lunch. She rang the doorbell once. And, then again. But the door was not answered. She got slightly worried and opened the door with her set of keys. She set the food on the kitchen counter and raced up the stairs to Namjoon's room only to see him getting out of the shower. "This man!" she thought to herself.

Namjoon blushed and exclaimed, "AAHH!" before quickly turning around. But not before Minji got a peek of his well-toned abs. While any other girl might have turned around while the boy would have been smirking but with them, it was the other way round.

Minji decided to tease him some more, "I guess spy workouts can change a person's body to make it appear as delicious as a full course meal." She guffawed. Namjoon stuttered in reply, "Wwwwhhat the heck are you saying?"

Minji thought better of pressing on and replied "If you want food, get dressed in five minutes or I'll polish all of it off. Ok?"

He quickly went inside the bathroom and Minji chuckled at his reaction before heading downstairs to eat.

Namjoon expelled a quick breathe and thought that this girl was still not able move beyond personality and looks. "But she doesn't know what is coming her way. I guess my feelings for her and the urge to protect her will get stronger after this mission starts. And for god's sake, I don't want this to happen any other way," he thought.

He headed down and they ate and got ready to pick Agent Rose. Minji drove again while the car stereo blared out music. They reached the office and saw Agent Rose coming out of the departure area and they called out to her. During the ride back, the three of them were quiet except for an initial round of introductions. After reaching the house, they showed her around especially the office. Agent Rose stopped by for a bit to familiarise herself before she would go to the house where she was supposed to stay to unpack and freshen up. During the time that they had, they decided to assign the work and arrangements for the next day to her. They could not spare or reduce her work even though she had just arrived in the country for after all a spy is a spy and work is work.

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