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All of them got ready and reached Seung Gi's house. His dad was already sitting in the lounge probably not expecting Seung gi to be accompanied by others.

Mr. Park, "Seung gi, I wasn't expecting guests. Why don't you introduce your friends?"

Minji took the cue, "Hello, I am Kim Choi Minji."

Namjoon said, "Hello!! I am Kim Namjoon."

Rose, who he knew only as Park Chaeyoung, walked across to him, "You know me appa!" and hugged him. "They are my neighbors and oppa's school classmates and close friends. Please take good care of them."

Mr. Park looked at them and enquired, "You are perhaps married?"

"Well...we are engaged for now." Minji replied shyly while blushing. She was good at acting or was she acting? Everybody was shocked to see this side of hers and she turned towards them and smirked until Mr. Park started interrogating them again.

"Do you mind telling me the business that are you engaged in?" he looked at them.

"I am a fashion designer and have my office in America. Here is my business card. Do get in touch if you are interested in buying the latest designs," she explained while giving him a warm smile.

In her head she was exulting that her plan was working.


Minji called Na yeon (Jungkook's girlfriend) and Bambam (Na yeon's co-worker).

Na yeon on the other end of the line, "Yes, I understood your plan. All I have to do is print a fake card of my fashion designing company and perhaps, when they call, I have to say that I am Ms. Kim Choi Minji's assistant, right?"

Minji added to the plan and said, "Exactly! And if they ask about Namjoon, just say that his assistant will call you soon and continue the conversation."

Na yeon said, "Ok, I will explain this to Bambam."

Minji said, "Take care."

Na yeon replied, "Thanks unni! GTG! See you!"

#end of the flashback

Mr. Park replied, "Good to hear that both of you are financially well-settled. So tell me how did you both meet Seung gi?"

Seung gi, "Appa, I met Minji-ssi in high school. She helped me a lot. And Namjoon, I met in the first year of university, before he left for America for higher studies and business."

Mr. Park was unrelenting and asked, "And what about you, Rose?"

Rose replied, "Namjoon oppa met me when he moved in with Minji and we became neighbours. I met Minji unnie and I had just been recruited for a job and surprisingly it was in her company."

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