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A week back it was Seojoon's funeral, and since then Mr. Park, my step-father, has been ordering me the way he used to earlier. But now, it is to hand over the work that Seojoon did. I wasn't surprising that I was doing the dead person's work but what I found astonishing was that he doesn't even remember or pity his own child's tragic death. I guess I am a replacement!

I have been going crazy because of all the work that has been piled up on me and especially, since I am not familiar with it. Earlier, I only assassinated and bullied people but this is insane. Now, I have to kidnap girls and children, worse abuse them, murder people and go on raids. Neither am I capable of this, nor do I wish to do this.

I want to take a break and stay at someone's house but I have no friends or relatives. I guess Chaeyoung is back. I will call and ask if I can stay with her. But she doesn't know about the work that dad does. But... I will handle all that after I find a place to stay.


Lee Seung gi called Chaeyoung who answered, "Hey bro! What's up? You need anything?"

Seung gi, "Actually yes! I need a break from work and want a place to stay so can you let me stay at your house for three days. After that, I will leave and won't trouble you again."


Seung gi had called yesterday and even though I was scared and tried to act cool but when he asked for a place to stay, I started trembling with fear but I kept up the façade and said, "Sure but if I see you bringing girls or being loud or embarrassing me, I swear, I will kill you."

Seung gi's tone was nonchalant, "Okay! I will manage everything. Geez! Someone's in a bad mood. Did something happen?"

I told him to F-off and mind his own business if he wanted shelter for the next three days.

Seung gi replied, "Understood! See ya later sis!"

Sis my foot!

But there was more that I had to worry about because I would have to tell RM and Pearl about my family, my connections, the things they told me and all the fake information that I was given since childhood, including about my parents, especially about my mother. Maybe I could plan something with them to get my hands on this Seung gi. I never thought of him as my brother but Mr. Park was my family... and all the lies mean that now I have trust issues. But I have a duty as a spy to fulfill and I can't wait any longer. I have to tell them right now. Even if I have to barge in house, I will go!

I stormed to their house and called them to the office. They were confused about my behaviour. I made them sit down and started explaining everything from the very start including my meeting with them, my family and job. And I could see RM listening calmly while nodding while Pearl was just balling her fists and her jaw was clenched with rage. After I finished, Pearl stood up and grabbed my collar and threatened me.

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