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Namjoon asked, "Guys, should we set up our plan for Mr. Park today or...?"

Rose replied, "Let's plan today and start tomorrow."

"What say, Minji-ssi?" Seung gi said turning towards her. Minji was busy on her phone checking the whereabouts of Mr. Park and her father while keeping a tab on the conversation of the group. She hummed while agreeing with them which annoyed Namjoon who snatched her phone and giggled when he saw the conversation there.

Rose and Seung gi looked up questioningly, "What is it?"

Namjoon replied, "Daddy's little girl is protecting him?"

Minji choked on water because it sounded so weird.

Namjoon and Rose were confused but Seung gi patted her back and whispered in her ears, "Minji-ssi, control your hormones."

She whipped out her gun and pointed at his heart and said, "Shut your stupid mouth up!"

Seung gi asked, "Why do you take out the gun at even the slightest hint of leg-pulling?"

Minji laughed and said, "Because it's fun!"

Rose was curious, "Do you have a GPS and cameras around your dad?"

Minji nodded, "I always keep an eye on him whenever he goes abroad and he does the same so he probably can hear every word we are speaking and everything we are doing. The difference is just that his is of a better quality than mine which is average stuff."

There was an awkward silence which Minji broke. "If everyone is done, let's proceed to the office and continue our discussion."

Everyone nodded and after placing the utensils in the dishwasher, they trooped into the office. They sat and Minji said, "So...I was thinking that we could probably introduce ourselves to Mr. Park and Seung gi can help here."

Seung gi and Rose nodded and were waiting for her to continue when Namjoon interrupted. "No! No, no, no, no, no, no, not at all!" And Minji softly swore to herself, "Brat!" and then a little loudly, "I understand 'no' even when it is said once. May I ask, why?" She said crossing her arms across her chest and daring him to give her a truthful explanation.

Namjoon replied, "It's dangerous and you can leave yourself exposed."

Minji was blunt, "If I am going down, I won't save you. I'll take you down with me. I hope you get my point!"

Namjoon shrugged, "I do. What was I even expecting?" He scoffed and started sulking like a kid.

Minji ignored him and said, "So now Seung gi, you can tell Mr. Park that you were excited as Namjoon and I just got engaged and so you decided to meet us. You stayed at Rose's house because when you came to meet us, Rose was exiting her apartment and you bumped into her. You can introduce us and the conversation will flow from there. Seung gi, do you mind explaining the security and layout of your house."

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