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I woke up in my bed...I remember quite vividly that I had fallen asleep on the couch beside Namjoon. So... probably he carried me. Anyway, let me get ready. I'll wear something casual before going downstairs.

I saw everyone at the breakfast table and the meal had already been laid out. Namjoon was on his phone, probably waiting for me.


Namjoon looked up at her and held the gaze a little longer, "You are awake! Let's have breakfast." Minji nodded and started eating.

Biting into freshly grilled toast, she asked, "What's our plan for today since we can't continue with the mission?"

Namjoon sipped his juice, looked straight at her and replied without batting an eyelid, "I am taking you out on a date." Minji choked on her food and started coughing so hard that her eyes watered.

Namjoon ran towards her and started patting Minji's back to calm her down.

His voice bore concern, "Are you fine?"

When she nodded, he returned to his place and continued with breakfast.

Minji asked, "So where are you taking me? I hope it's not a childish place like an amusement park or someplace like the movies or theatre."

Namjoon giggled and said, "Oh no! Don't worry. It's not something like that."

Minji tried to keep her tone nonchalant and said, "Then what?"

Namjoon replied, "I remember, what you loved in high school. I always saw you either in the library or in the hallway picking a bully or fighting or at the principal's office. I love to read too! So I thought, instead of going to the park or some similar place and tiring ourselves unnecessary, why don't we go to the library together, find a lovely corner and make ourselves comfortable and read the books that we like. You might think that it isn't a date but I am not romantic. However, I still care for you and I know your comfort zone. And I saw how tired you were yesterday, so no point exhausting ourselves. So...What say?"

Minji was a little overwhelmed and she paused for long before replying, "Thank you..."

He shrugged, "For what?"

She turned towards him and gazed directly in his eyes. "For thinking of my well-being, even though it is just for the sake of appearance," Minji said while getting up since she had finished her meal and continued the conversation as she walked towards the kitchen, "It's been a long time since I read a book, because I attended college and went on missions at the same time. It was so exhausting that I slept as soon as I hit the bed. This has been my routine for years now. Since I didn't have many friends I didn't hang out with anyone so I asked my father for confidential and long missions to keep me busy the entire day."

He was quiet and realisation struck Minji that she had spoken too much. She chuckled nervously and covered it up by saying, "I think my outfit is fine for the library and you look nice and comfy too. So let's go, grab a coffee and then be on our way."

Namjoon wanted to know if she wanted to walk.

Minji replied, "I would love to!"

They made their way to the nearest Starbucks, ordered coffee and drank it on their way to the library. It took them barely 20 minutes and all along they chatted while giggling before they reached.

They reached the library and Minji made a beeline for romance, her favorite section which was adjacent to dramedy which Namjoon liked.

She was trying to take out a novel from a high shelf but couldn't reach it and a muscular hand took out the book for her. The whiff of the cologne was enough for Minji to guess that it was Namjoon. She was surprised at the pounding of her heart and her cheeks stained a bright crimson. She mumbled a hurried though barely audible "thanks" and walked away to find a place to sit and started reading. After a while, Namjoon arrived with his book and said, "I didn't know that you were a fan of romance."

Again Minji felt colour rising and she mumbled a "Shut up". He giggled in reply, nodded and returned to reading.

But Minji's mind was far away from the book. She was barely able to concentrate as her eyes ran over Namjoon's features and his perfectly sculpted body. When he suddenly spoke, it made her flinch. Though he didn't look up from his book, he had a cheeky smile on his face when he said, "Click a picture, it will last longer."

Minji was embarrassed and just replied, "I am going to the restroom."

Once within the safe confines of the restroom, she washed her face several times to snap out from this dream because all of it felt so unreal.

She placed her hand on her heart and thought, "I may be falling for you Namjoon-ah. You are the only guy or for that matter any friend with whom I am so close and who made me feel this way. But I will still play hard to get even though I know my feelings. Work a little more, Namjoon, and I will come to you but I hope you are not taken or leave me before I confess."

Minji returned from the restroom. Namjoon looked concerned, "Everything is fine? You took long."

Minji replied, "Everything is fine," and gave a warm smile while he just nodded and continued reading his book.

They read for five hours straight and then decided to head out. They again walked home and on their way ate some street food for dinner.

They went straight to their rooms as they were tired. After Minji had changed she realised that there was no water in her room so she went to the kitchen to fetch some. All of a sudden a dizzy spell overtook her so that the glass slipped and shattered into several sharp pieces. She tried to clean up the mess but injured her hand in the process. Her palm had a deep gash but she just snickered as she was exasperated because there was more work to be done. She was bleeding and if she didn't wrap up the wound, it would stain her bedsheets. So she just scoffed, got the first aid kit and cleaned the cut. She was used to these injuries so it didn't hurt a lot. She just grabbed a water bottle and went to sleep.

(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ You are mine and only mine. All rights reserved! ♥

 All rights reserved! ♥

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