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We had just started dating and the news spread quickly

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We had just started dating and the news spread quickly. Everyone in our team, our fathers knew that we were in a serious relationship. And only two days had passed! But this dipshit knucklehead Namjoon here, my boyfriend.

Yup! You read that right, my boyfriend. He was overwhelmed with joy and he just blabbered this to everyone.

Yesterday we went on a date and were walking in the park at night and decided to have street food for dinner because the restaurant was far and we were too tired to cook.

It was midnight so there were hardly any customers and the lady who owned the place was relatively free. So she asked us conversationally, if we were together and I just nodded without any blushing or cringing, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Namjoon, on the other hand, started blushing and blabbering about how we got together, what we had planned for the future. He was still talking even after the meal was over and the lady was certainly enjoying his company and our story. It seemed as if they wouldn't stop talking any time soon so I asking her co-worker for beers.

I chugged several down and I was onto my seventh when a family came for dinner and the lady got up to serve them. Finally Namjoon realised that it was already, god damn, 2 in the morning and we had to start the mission tomorrow.

The idiot woke up early in the morning before the meeting with Jisoo, Jungkook, Rose and Seung gi. He even went to the gym in our basement for a workout after his jog. And I was still snoring softly in my deep slumber because I didn't get home in time to rest for the big day........ due to someone!!!

And you all must be wondering that where am I? What am I doing? What is the time?

Well, I am in the office with the rest of the members and I am trying hard to stay awake while cussing Namjoon for yesterday night...and now I am again spacing out.

"Minji!! Minji!! MINJINNN WAKE UP!!!!" Rose was calling out to me frantically. I came back to my senses and squinted my eyes, while wondering why she was shouting. They all seemed to read my mind and Seung gi answered, "You are really out, Minji! Is everything ok? You seem unwell? If you aren't fine, we can stop the meeting and continue tomorrow or in the evening?"

Jungkook retorted, "Listen, you! I can't come for a meeting this evening or tomorrow, because I don't have a single ass like you all." He saw me glare at him but was unfazed and said, "I have to take Na yeon on a date. So you better wrap up this fast."

We all just nodded and Namjoon asked for a break and got up from his seat after pecking me lightly on my cheek and then went to make coffee for everyone.

We decided to take over one of Mr. Park's biggest centre and finish off his business tomorrow. After this, we needed just one more day to catch Mr. Park which would be easy because of Seung-gi. After we hand him over to the police, our work would be over. It sounds easy but was unlikely to be because of his traits.

Seung gi and the other members had already planned everything for Namjoon and me including clothes, makeup, trackers and weapons. So... both of us were raring to go the next day.



They got up, finished their workout and contacted the others to help them get ready. This time Jungkook did Minji's makeup and Jisoo, Namjoon's.

Minji was looking straight into Jungkook's eyes while he was shaping her lips. Jungkook smirked, "Noona...stop staring. I am taken."

Minji replied, "I know that coconut-head. I was just looking at your features and I had never noticed them before. Well, now I know why Na yeon likes you..."

Jungkook's voice was teasing, "Already falling for me?"

Minji winked and blushed, "I am not kidding, Jungkook. You look handsome," and added, "You have to bring Na yeon to my house for dinner. I have to hear your stories. How a bunny falls for another bunny and how they will share the same carrot under the same tree."

Jungkook looked annoyed, "Yah! We are not bunnies..."

Minji said, "Look in the mirror, baby boy!"

Jungkook stared at the mirror and a smile stretched across his face, "Hey! You are actually right! We kinda do look like a bunny."

He got back to work and after that they just chatted about the mission.


Jisoo and I were chatting about Minji as they were together in elementary school. Minji was the rebellious girl and Jisoo, the school queen and heartthrob. Jisoo's friends knew Minji and she explained the reason for the former's aggressive personality which was rooted in her past.

The important thing that I realised after the conversation was that broken people have the brightest smiles. When she related the incidents, Jisoo was on the edge of tears recalling what Minji must have undergone as a child. She was insistent that if I took care of her she can change and she would change.



They were on their way to Area-78, the main hideout of Mr. Park who was in Daegu not Seoul according to Seung-gi, which was a bonus for them.

Namjoon and Minji headed towards the door while scanning their surroundings. When they saw that the area was clear, they kicked the door open and saw that the lights were turned off. They turned them on and saw a scene which was straight out of a nightmare.

Minji's nightmare...

Had come true...

The past was repeating itself...

She saw Mr. Park with...

 Park with

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