Chapter 20. A little Angie or German?

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The front door opened.

"ANGIE!!!!!!!" shouted Violetta.

German and Angie turned around...Violetta ran straight towards Angie and hugged her.

"OMG Angie! I'm so glad your back! I've missed you so much!"

"Aw Vilu! I've missed you too! I'm back for good"

Violetta screamed excitedly.

"Violetta, Angie and I have something to tell you..." said German but he got interrupted.

"What! Your getting married?! I can see that Dad" laughed Violetta as she pointed to Angie's finger which  had her engagement ring on"

"Yes Violetta, we are getting married" said Angie with a big smile on her face.

Violetta stepped forward. No-one noticed that Olga was ear wigging...

Angie continued.

"We are getting married in exactly 1 month and 3 days. Vilu....I would love for you to be my Maid of honour". Angie grabbed Violetta's hand.

"OMG Angie! Of course I'd love to! I love you so much! Thank-you!" screamed Violetta again happily.

Angie and Violetta hugged again.

German stood behind them smiling..when Olga came in.....

"Aw!! Miss Angie, Mr German! I'm so happy! So happy! Aw Violetta, you will look so pretty in your dress..but Angie aw! Angie you will look beautiful in your wedding dress. Mr German, you in a suit! I cant Ramallo...Ramallo will be in a suit too. Ah my Ramallo. Aw how I love him!.." babbled Olga.

"Olga, Olga, Olga we get it" replied German.

"I know Mr German but i'm so excited!!!" giggled Olga.

"Olga, Vilu and I will come and see you later on. We have something to tell you" said Angie.

"We have?" questioned Vilu looking confused.

Angie nodded.

"Ah well okay Angie. Violetta, my angel I will see you later on". Olga went back into the kitchen.

"Erm...Angie and I have something to tell you Vilu".

"What now!? What else is their left to tell me? asked Violetta staring at German.

"That you might be getting a little brother or sister soon" replied German.

"Oh my god! Angie! Dad! Really!? That's great news! I would like  a little brother though but I don't mind a little sister either!" screamed Violetta.

She ran to Angie and German..they all hugged.

"Were going to be a family! I'm so happy!" shouted Violetta.

She had a massive smile across her face.

"Dad, Angie I'm going to go write in my diary. I'll see you later on. Angie we can start planning the wedding" said Violetta while she was going up the stairs.

"Okay Vilu. See you soon" replied Angie.

German spun Angie around to face him and put his hand on her stomach.

"So Miss Angie, what would you like a little Angie or a little German?".

"I don't mind to be honest. A little German would be cute, you could teach him to play football but....a little Angie..hmmm..that would be cute too. Vilu could teach her to play the piano"

"Well..we will see beautiful"

Angie did German.

German kissed Angie.



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