Chapter 41. The Wedding Reception.

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Everyone stood for photos outside of the church.

First their was a photo taken off German and Angie..with German having one of his hands on Angie's stomach. The next photo of them sharing a kiss. Violetta got in with them for the next couple of photos. Followed by Olga and Ramallo. Next the bridesmaids all got a photo, also Lucy and Violetta were in it. Chris, Ramallo, German and Armando all got a photo. Pablo and Angie got one and so on. The bridesmaids stood with Angie for a photo. Angie got some photos with just Violetta, some with Aliana and Nicole too. Chris got one with Angie so did Armando.  Angie, Lily, Carrie and Lauren in another. There were lots of photos.

Angie turned her back to all the girls as she was ready to through her flowers. All the girls were giggling, Olga pushed into some of them.

"Are you ready girls?" asked Angie.

"Yeah!!" they all shouted.

"1....2....3!". Angie chucked her bouquet.

The giggling stopped and Angie turned around....Olga had caught the bouquet. She winked at Ramallo...he looked like he was going to pass out in shock. Everyone began to laugh.

xxx 30 MINUTES LATER xxx

Everyone was now at the reception. It was an outdoor reception with a big white tent next to a lake. The sun was shining brightly. It had a little stage and dance-floor. On the top table sat Angie and German in the middle. On the left too Angie sat Violetta. On the right to Angie sat Ramallo. Nicole and Chris were on Angie's side. Aliana and Armando were on German's side.  The bridesmaids sat round one table. Pablo, Beto, Antonio and Gregorio were sat round another. German's business contact sat at the back table. Diego, Leon, Maxi, Marco, Andreas, Federico and Broadway were sat opposite the bridesmaids. Lauren, Lily and Carrie sat on another.

Everyone was sat eating when German stood up to make a toast.

"Ahem" said German as he tried to get everyone's attention.

Everyone stopped eating and looked to German.

"Angie and I would like to thank-you all for coming to celebrate our wedding with us. Eat, drink, dance, sing do what-ever just enjoy yourselves". - German turned to face Angie -  He put one of his hands on Angie's cheek.

"Angie, I love you so much. Thank-you for making me a better person, a better Father. Our lives are just beginning. I've never been so happy. You, Vilu and our little bean are my whole world".

Angie got up and kissed German.

Everyone began to clap.

Next Violetta stood up and started to speak.

"Dad, Angie, I'm so happy for you both. You are meant to be. I know Mum is looking down on us all and is smiling. I love you Dad, I love you Angie and I love my little brother or sister. P.s I hope it's a girl".

Everyone laughed.

Angie blew a kiss to Violetta. German was stood with that big Cheshire grin across his face.

Everyone sat back down and continued to eat. The music was blasting.

xxx 30 MINUTES LATER xxx

"Everyone can you make your way over to the bridge please" asked German. He held his hand our for Angie. She looked very did everyone.

Once they all got to the bridge. A man was stood with a little white cage.

"Mrs Castillo, your husband rang me up last week and asked me to come with this".

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