Chapter 07 part 02

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   Getting back to school was pretty annoying , But getting back to school and having a pair work with Luke Hemmings at home alone was worst . After your english teacher makes you of course , and takes advantage of your kindness and high morals . ( Ok I was being overdramatic . )

  Luke also , didn't love Mr Blin's decision , And tried many times changing it , an example of one is " Oh c'mon sir , She can't even speak english properly ! " . And just for my luck  the teacher decided the essay we'll write would be about a girl's and a boy's  point of view about being in love , and do they beleive in love .

   " I'll come over at eight ." I got a text from an unkown number , "Um excuse me but , WHO THE HELL IS THIS ?? " I texted back raising my eyebrow  , " Luke , Dumbass " , " Ok ." .

I got back home and anxiety grew inside of me with every second , why did I feel that way?  Oh right social anxiety . Or is it something else ? , Nope .

  suddenly hours flew as though they were seconds and my wall clock showed 7 : 55 pm , I walked lazily towards the door as I heard the bell , Opening it to be greeted with Luke's cold and empty  expression . charming .

  " Come in . " I nodded towards the inside of the house  ,  " Can we go to your room ? " he blurted out , " No , why ? " I said confused , " I hate large spaces " He rolled his eyes , "Yeah whatever " I mumbled standing up and walking towards my room with him following after me , We walked in the room that wasn't very big with it's three navy walls and the forth beige one with thin golden lines on it , adding some sort of special touch .

" You like Green Day " he said scanning my posters and I could've sworn that I saw a small smile form on his lips , " Yeah , I do " I responded looking down at my feet . " So let's get this shit started " He said suddenly looking at me after letting out a sigh .

  " What is Love ? " He once again blurted out breaking my thoughts , " I don't know , haven't you ever loved anyone ? " I questioned looking at his face that held some kind of puzzled look , " No , I don't know .. " he trailed off looking at the papers that he was meant to write the principal ideas in , " Just tell me what you wrote !" He said crossed his arms , " No . " I insisted  , " Ok . " He shrugged and walked towards me , And to snatch the written papers away from my hands swiftly  " No Luke , I swear ! .."  I warned walking towards him , " Love is when you feel your hearts melts with every word they say , and warms up when they smile " He read dramatically getting increasing the distance between us as he noticed me nearing him  " And when nothing in the world bothers you , Because you're thoroughly happy and carefree due to that person's existence in your life  " He continued as I struggled to reach the paper that he used his intimidating hight to keep away from my hold  , " And when you love every single feature -" I gripped his arm a bit forcefully making him fall on his back , well and me falling ontop of him  , Our forheads brushed slightly and his breath tickled my neck , And our eyes met , not getting up quickly for some odd reason I felt an erection brush my upper thigh , I watched as Luke's eyes darken and him letting out a breath and a light pink tint form on his perfect cheeks .

" I'm so sorry , That was really stup-"  , " Stop apologizing for everything " He said as he sat up and sent me a half smile ? , This guy is making me really confused  , I started to learn tha maybe Luke isn't that bad of a person , When he isn't in school or seen by the " cool kids " which are his " friends " , I'm not talking about Michael or Calum or Ash , Because they have been nothing but nice and friendly to me . I couldn't help it but act awkward after our little accident , And how wouldn't I , I mean despite the fact that we were physically connected , He also had some issues down there , That I had no idea how it happened .

  " I'm hungry  " He said breaking the silence that overwhelmed the horizon , " Umm I'll cook some pizza or something , Just let me finish this last phrase " I said looking at him through my reading glasses , " You're slow as fuck " he said standing up to sit beside me next , " you can cook ? " he raised an eyebrow , " Uhh it's frozen , The pizza's frozen . " I said lowly earning a laugh from him .

  " It's ready " I informed him as I got it out of the oven placing it on a large plate and heading towards the sofa , It's weird how just two weeks before I'd never thought of talking to him again and right now I'm sitting beside him and we're not ripping eachother apart , It's not that I'm planning on going further but I guess I'm just too soft and forgive easily .

  " What ! " I snapped at him with my mouth full of food as he kept looking down at me , " Nothing " he said looking away and taking a bite of his pizza .

  It was about 1:17 am when we finished working ( Yeah we aren't a quick writers nor thinkers ) , And as Luke stood up getting ready to leave I stupidly spoke " Um , You can stay the night if you want  , You can sleep in the gues-" , " No it's ok .. " , He opened the door revealing the heavy rain pouring hitting the ground roughly , he looked a bit suprised by the view as his eyes widen , " It's definitely not ok , I don't want to be responsible for your death in any way " I confirmed shaking him off from his thoughts and closing the door that was still open , " Yeah going home in this circumstances isn't the best decision " he said smirking , his next move was absolutely unexpected ,He pressed his body against mine hovering my frame and his lips came to touch mine , His lips were so soft and warm , My conscious kept telling me to pull away but his touch built an unusual feeling inside of me , something I never felt before , but soon enough I pulled away avoiding his gaze and walking back  to my room  like there's no tomorrow .


Hey guys , you prob hate me for not updating sooner , But honsetly I've been feeling like SHIEEEEET ://

Anyways stay fab xx

- Coco

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