chapter 10 : Everyone needs their BFF !

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     we were in the winter break and my hair's need for a fresh dye was obvious , as the roots started to reveal the real color that'light brown  that was unpleasant in my opinion .

  I walked in the drugs store that wasn't that far from my house , to be greeted with a girl that was around my age behind the cash register  and suprisingly Michael .

   he was looking through the hair dyes rather concentrated I shall say his hand was running through his messy hair and the poor girl seemed confused thinking that he was some kind unstable , She walked towards him slowly , And spoke nervousness clear in her voice , " I-I  think dark Brown would work great on you . " she said tearing his gaze from the different colors that were available  , he looked up surprised as he never expected her comment   ,  amusingly he replied " Oh yeah , why'd you think that ? " , his question made her nerves increase even more if that's even possible   , " I , um I know that -uh you usually try different colors but I think that more of a natural color would suit you " she said in a hushed tone   , " I don't mean that they didnt look good on you I just .." She let out a sigh after feeling utterly embarrassed with her pointless rambling and a deep blush covered her cheeks , Michael on the other hand liked the situation , Not because he was being complimented by an attractive girl , but also because he quite liked the he effect he had on her , " Maybe next time " he replied looking at the young girl that looked at anything but  his eyes , her stomach filling  with butterflies as he spoke again , she quickly nodded and went back to her original location .

   After Michael left not noticing me as we were both standing in two different angles .

   I watched as the girl let out a sigh of annoyness , concluding from the previous events that she liked him , its not seeking people's lives but there 's something in the way that people acted around who they liked that seemed so interesting .

hopeless romantic , Ha no.

I looked through the various dyes  , I didn't notice the girl stood behind me , " Red would look smoken on you " she said eagernees clear in her voice .

what happens to nervousness !

" I ..uh don't know about that .." I trailed off , "Oh c'mon! " she exclaimed  , " I mean you always buy black , some change can be good " , she maybe a bit creepy , but she's also right?

right ?

   " Red it is then . " I replied earning a dimpled smile from the girl .

  she seemed nice , and though it wasn't my typical move I asked her , " do You like him ? " , indicating how smart she is , she understood that I was referring to Michael , she looked at me confused at first then curious , " Umm do you know him ? " she asked placing the toothpaste and the hair dye  In a bag , " yeah , we're um ..friends " I said remembering that I need to talk him soon , don't judge me but  I kinda miss him .

  " can we hang out sometime ? " she offered looking up at me , " Umm , sure . " I agreed surprising both of us , " Cool , mind giving your number ? " she waved the phone In my face , I took it hesitantly typing my number quickly and handing it Back to the hyper girl .

what did I just do ?

"I'm Summer by the way "she grinned .

    I walked towards the Clifford's front door and knocked on it slowly keeping my impatience inside , after a few minutes the door sprung open revealing a blond haired Michael who seemed sleepy .

can't say I was surprised .

    before he could say anything I embraced him as tightly as possible .

I mean a month of not interacting with this fool didn't do me good .

   I know that my feelings were only friendly , like we all night need a friend right ?


  wow I really had a brain wash this month ..

   "I missed you " I mumbled letting go of him , feeling creepy for attacking him like that .

" When did you turn into such a softie " he commented grinning at my embarrassed self , "shut up " I replied my face turning into a tomato by the time .

  "I need your help " I informed him , " oh yeah , with what ? " he asked curiously , " I need to dye my hair .." I trailed off .

   A cocky smirk was written on his face " Looks like we're having some fun " he said rubbing his hands togather.

A filler :\ , but at least she made up with Mikey .
  and i can assure you that the next chapter will be mostly about the other main character ( wink , wink )
    I'll also update soon since its winter break yo ✌✌
Happy holidays .




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