Chapter 02

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  Chapter song : Sweater weather - The neighbourhood .

  It was a friday night , A night  that any normal person would 've had it already planned with their friends , Me on the other hand it seemed like a good night for me to spend sometime by myself like all the time . I locked the car after parking it and started my walk towards the small beach that almost none ever comes to which meant it was perfect for me  I found it two weeks ago when I was driving around . I reached my usual spot which contained many huge rocks I sat there in silence watching the glow of the moon that's been reflected on the water amazed by the peaceful view . That didn't last long though , "Hazel ! " I heard a surprised voice that I regonised . Michael . Since that day he came to my place we seemed to meet many other times . For example I realised that we go to the same school but I decided to avoid him often because he hangs out with Luke's group .

" Holy crap you scared me " I replied automatically . " well what're you doing here ? it's like 2 am " He said questioningly , " I could ask the same thing " I replied not loving his question . " I'm just here with the lads , We were just hanging out " he replied simply , " Hanging out at 2 am , I see " I replied sarcastically ." Look who's talking ! " He replied laughing I could see from the little light that the moon sent  him shoving his hands in his skinny jeans pockets . The jeans that he never seemed to wear anything else but them . " Would you like to join ? " He asked , " Well no , I'm good here ." I replied quickly , "Oh c'mon pleaaaaaase " He replied with a childish tone . here we are walking towards his " friends "  after he pained my ass with his constant requests I gave in and joined him although Luke's going to be there I can only hope that he won't be much of a dick tonight . " So this is my friend Hazel " Michael told his mates  . " Seriously ." Luke said and stared laughing , " Hey I'm Ashton " said the curly haired among them , Now I could see them from the lights that the car sent  , " Hey " I replied shyly " Dude would you stop fucking laughing ! " The Black haired guy snapped at Luke " I'm Calum by the way " he said and gave me a genuine smile , " Hazel ." and smiled back . " I mean you could've become friends with anyone in the god damn world exept that bitch " Luke said pointing at me , " What's your fucking problem " I snapped . I ran out of patience with this " mister better than anyone else " . I only showed him the quiet part of me that covers up the uglier attitude . " You're my problem " he replied instantly "Bitch " he added . " Dick " I repied . Only to be faced with an angry look on his face , He took no time and pressed my body violently against the car door  " wanna think again about what you said sweet heart " He said . I could tell that my facial expression showed pure fear from his now smirk , " The actual fuck " Michael said pushing him off me and asked many times if I was ok  , " don't bring her again , don't want to see her disgusting face " Luke spat , " Oh , I will and you better welcome her smiling next time " Michael shouted at him . At that moment I felt tears threating to spill so unwrapped Michael's arm from around my waist and started walking away  . " I promise he won't hurt you again , Please just stay . " He said  . " No , I can't . " I replied looking down . " Why ? are you scared from him? I'll protect you I promise ." He replied  , " No , Just stay away from me " I said and with no looking back since I was crying I started running towards my car . 

  It wasn't the words that Luke said or the way he acted was what hurt me , What hurt me was the fact that even when I moved from the other part of the world people seemed  to make the same judgements about me ,   I entered the bathroom and searched for the one thing that reduced my pain . my razor . After a few good cuts I walked in my room . I lit the cigarette leaning my back on the window frame and kept looking at the stars for a while before nearing the cigarette to my lips with my shaky hand .


  awful chapter but guys pleaaaaase comment vote and shit ...
   their relationship will soften up soon ;) . Stay fab loves xx
- Coco



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