Chapter 12 : Wtf did I do ?

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I woke up feeling something that I haven't experienced in a while , feeling comfortable , I wondered why with my eyes still shut firmly , I opened them slowly to scan my surroundings .

  I was cuddled in a warm body that held my own quite tightly , not uncomfortably tight , but Protectively tight .

  I think

  I looked at the of the person to be greeted , with a blond hair that I knew so well . Luke .

  then again it all came back to me from what happened last night , I instantly freaked out and tried wiggling out of his grip discreetly , but of course me being me , I couldn't . I gave up and quitted trying and decided to wait for him to wake up , I can only hope that wakes up earlier than Michael.

  I took most of the time staring at his beauty , and how someone with such an innocent appearance be so , so complicated ?

    his hair was even more messier  than yesterday ( which I may or may not think that it's adorable ) , his eyes were shut , he had a light stubble , he was breathing slowly and snoring quietly once in a while .

he looked so peaceful I thought , until he opened those ocean blue eyes that could melt anyone , he opened them slowly adjusting the sun light , he opened them fully , and I watched as his lips offered a sweet smile , that my own couldn't ignore .

  " Morning " he said in his morning voice , I felt something odd growing inside of me , something that was a mix of excitement and almost joy if I do say myself .

"Morning " I replied lowly , he kept looking at me straight in the eyes , and it frightened me , he looked as though he was able to see through my eyes .

  his though showed an unreadable emotional , they were a light blue  from the inside surrounded by a deeper and darker shade , the same color they'd be whenever he was angry .

they were the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen , and that's an understatement .

  " if didn't desperately need to use the bathroom , I would never let you go " he stated standing up slowly causing a smile to dance on my lips , he smiled back smugly getting the reaction he wanted .

  I sat outside smoking my morning cigarette and just enjoying those few moments of me with my thoughts .

'Enjoying' was sarcasm by the way , yeah .

   it was nine o'clock in the morning and  everyone was still asleep except for me ,Luke and Ashton who was making coffee , I was staring blankly at my surroundings , lost in my thoughts as I said before , until Luke scared the living shit out of me , of course that's my way to say ' he brought me back from my daydream ' , "It's a beautiful morning " he spoke referring to the lightly clouded sky , " yeah " I nodded exhaling the smoke , "then why are you ruining it with this shit ? " he pointed out , " Cause this shit is what's making my day beautiful . " I mumbled standing up , walking in the house , " they're not good for you know ! " he informed me , " said you " I replied with a clear sarcasm in my tone , "I don't smoke that often , I only smoke when I'm stressed " he argued , " well , me too . " I shrugged , and it was true I felt that my mind's going to explode in any minute , "what's that supposed to mean ?" he asked confusingly crossing his arms , " can we not talk about this now " I spoke wanting to leave already , "fine ." he sighed in defeat , " now , let's eat something before everyone wakes up "he said grabbing my hand and running towards the kitchen , getting a weird look from Ashton who had his face stuffed with pancakes, "are you guys .... a thing ?" he asked looking at our intertwined hands , I instantly pulled away my hand , " oh .. no  .we're just .. uh ..umm " I didn't even know what we were , but we definitely weren't 'a thing' .

"friends " Luke cleared , "too bad . " Ashton stated , "why?" I asked confusingly , "you would 've been perfect for each other " he shrugged , " right . "I rolled my eyes , " don't underestimate me Grahams . " he warned winking at me , my cheeks were burning again with the simple gesture.

" are you busy tomorrow night ? " Luke asked , we just arrived to my place and I was unlocking my seatbelt , "um .. why ?" I asked confusingly , "Just thought , that it would be uh .. nice if like had dinner or something , I mean its fine if you can't , I totally understand ." he spoke a bit too fast and he was rambling , and looking anywhere but in my direction , I just sat there amazed , do I have this effect on him ?

  and before I could control my choice of words , I stupidly replied , " it depends really.." I shrugged , " on what ? " now he was the one with the confused face , " on what we're eating " I answered , " we'll eat your favorite . " he replied grinning , " OK ." I replied shyly getting out of the car , "hey wait , I want to walk you home " he said following me , " it's like 10 meters away " I replied rolling my eyes at the cheesiness of the gesture , " you're killing the moment . " he defended , I chose to shut up as I was too tired for another argument , we then reached the door , " wear something hot for me will ya ! " he winked turning around and running to his car , " never " I whispered entering the house .

then it all came up to me , WTF did I do .

  I agreed on going with a date with the only person I shouldn't go with .

  Just a filler really .
I will hopefully update soon , and I also want to say a massive thank you to all of the people who are supporting this story , you rock ♥

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