Chapter 1

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Hey guys! Long time no see, huh?

Emma's P.O.V

"Luke, what do you choose?" I repeat, and as soon those words left my mouth I felt like being stabbed in the chest non-stop.

"Emma, it's not that easy" Said Luke reaching for my hands, but as soon as i feel his touch, i shake it off making him look up to me with hurt eyes.

"If you go..." I said before sniffling and sobbing the tears away from cheeks "If you go, you loose me and the baby, and I will never forgive you for that! If you go, we're over..." I said looking with pain and sorrow into his eyes. "over." I whispered with pain this one last time.

"Luke, come, we are gonna miss the flight!" I hear Ashton calling. Luke still looking at me, probably ignoring what Ashton just yelled.

"I'm so sorry Emma.. I-I I need to go. Please read my letter whenever you feel like missing me..." He finally says, but stops catching his breath, ignoring the tears rolling down his cheeks. "And never, ever, forget that I will always love you" he tells me, still not taking his eyes off mines. Then I feel his warm hands cup my cheeks, making me stare away from the ground, into his clear blue eyes. For a minute, I think he is going to kiss my lips... I want his kiss, I need his kiss. He leans over me, leaving a kiss on the cheek instead, and then one under my right ear giving me shivers to my spine, grabs my right hand, giving it a little squeez and whispers "I love you so, so much" causing the tears in my eyes run faster. He takes a step away, still holding my hand, stares in to my eyes and finally let go of my hand and walks away.

As I saw him walk away, I couldn't believe what was happening... I tried to focus on what was going on, then reality hit me. He From now on, I was all Alone. I have no place to live, no friends, no family, no money, nothing. Fuck me, and the baby.

I feel my knees getting weak. I can't feel my toes or my fingers. I fall and kneel in the middle of the airport. People walk past me all easily, as if I were a ghost. I bury my face in my hands and press my forhead againts the cold, hard floor. My heart aches even more at the thought that he won't be here, with me, holding our new-born child for the first tiime, not even watch him or her grow...

He choose the tour, over me. So why do I have to keep loving him, then? For a minute, this was all hopeless..

"EMMA!" I hear someone yell my name, bringing me back to life. I lift my face with the hope of finding Luke, but, I was wrong. Instead, I find Maggie and Amanda running towards me. I felt pain rise my chest and I can't breath. My throat is closed and no air to fill my lungs, but it won't. I see them run even faster, nothing, I can't breath. They grab both of my shoulders, shaking back and forth. Finally, I feel air filling my lungs. I hug both of them, crying non-stop for what feels like an eternity. Maggie and Amanda, push me off the round and carry me towards the exit following it by the car.

As take a seat, Maggie turns on the car and takes the road. While in there, I just stare out emotionlessly at the window. I really don't want to see near talk to anyone, I just wanna break down and cry. I don't even want to eat, walk or read. Specially, I don't want to hear anything about Luke. I hate him.

Maggie drove to her house after dropping Amanda at her house. I force myself to get out the car when we arrive at her house. One step and I start walking away.

"Wait! Where the hell do you think you are going?" Maggie asks me, grabbing my arm making me stop. I think of how Luke used to grab my arm... "Thanks for the ride, I want to be alone. Bye" I reply pushing my arm to the side making her let go. I walk uncociously until my feet stops making it in front of the house. I look up, and my eyes water, his house. I slowly walk to the porch. I turn the handle, and to my surprise the door opens. I walk directly to his room. When I get there, I walk to his bed and kick my shoes off, curl into a ball and hide under the covers. I sniff hard, trying to catch his scent one more time.

Alone // luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now