Chapter 4

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I will always be yours, forever and more, through the push and the pull.

-Ever Enough (A rocket to the moon)


Emma's POV

I get out of Maggie's house and head towards my house. I walk in without knocking I mean, it's my house after all. Even if my mom doesn't want me here. I walk directly to my room and shut the door. Luckily my mom isn't home from work yet. As soon as I close the door I lock it and walk to the bathroom to do something that I haven't done in almost 3 years now. I grabbed a blade and started cutting my wrist. I cry as I cut myself and now I can see blood drops falling in the sink. Anger fills me and I start to deepen the cuts. I make 5 cuts and let go of the blade when I feel nauseous. I kneel in front of the toilet and waited a little seconds before everything came out. I washed my mouth and my cuts and got in bed. I curled in a ball between the sheets and try to find a comfortable position to sleep.

I finally find it and drift off to sleep.

"Emma hurry up" I heard Luke saying while giggling.

"I'm coming!!" I said standing up from the sand and getting my toes in the water. "It's sooo cold!! I don't want to get in!!" I scream running back to the sand.

"Come in the water or I'll go grab you" Luke says grinning.

"Nooo!! Please Luke! Don't make me get in!!" I beg him laughing.

"That's it. I'm going" He says walking out of the water and into the sand.

I turn around and run back to the place where I was -at first- tanning. I was about to lie in the sand when I felt two strong and long arms grabbing me by the waist and lifting me up in his shoulder.

"LUKE LET ME GO!!" I scream while throwing punches in his back and arm.

"NEVER!!" He screams and takes me into the water.

As my legs touch the cold water I begin to kick Luke. He pulls me up and throws me as far as he can into the water. I try to take a deep breath but while in the middle of it I feel my nose inhaling water. I push myself back to the too to catch my breath to find a laughing Luke near the shore. I growl, turn around and swim away from him as fast as I can. He starts swimming behind me and grabbed my foot. He pulled me up and carried me in his shoulder so that now both of my tights are around his neck. As much as I don't want to admit it, I'm enjoying the beach. The sand, the sun, the sea, Luke.

I curve my back and kiss him. He was so surprised by this that he almost let me fall. He started kissing me back but he grabbed me by surprise and deepened me in the water. I swim back to the top and growl when he smiles.

"I love you Emma" He said.

I woke up and remembered the dream I just had. That dream that I wish was true. I wipe away some tears and just laid there. Replaying the dream over and over in my head.

Luke's POV

I woke up and looked at the clock in the nightstand. 11:34. I get out of bed and head directly to the bathroom. I wash my face and teeth and decide to go to the kitchen to make myself something to eat. I see all the boys in the kitchen as well eating cornflakes. I walk to the cabinets and take out a box of pancake mix that I bought before coming here. I love pancakes.

When I start making the pancakes all the boys round me with puppy eyes.

"Okay I'll make pancakes for you too" I tell them and they all smile going back to their seats. Everyone loves my pancakes.

We were all sitting in silence until Ashton decides to break it.

"What are we doing today?" Ashton asks.

"We're meeting 1D in the recording studio and next week we're going to London for our first show" Calum answers.

"Aren't we in London?" I asked confused.

"No. We're in Manchester" Ashton explains.


"No. We can't. They are playing soccer, i don't know, in Spain I think" I tell him.

"What a bummer" Michael says and we all laugh.


We were in the car heading to meet 1D and I decide to check Tumblr. Nothing interesting.

New text

My phone vibrated and I checked the text, secretly hoping it was from Emma.

Hey Lukie! Hows the tour? -Aunt Jamie xx

Fuck. I reply saying that it was fine.

The car ride took us a couple of hours but I slept in the way over. When we finally arrive we see a HUGE building in front of us. As we walk in my hands start to get sweaty and enviousness fills me. What if they don't want us to come after all? And if that happens, what if I go back and Emma hates me?

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