Avengers - Six

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Just as Loki were conversing with a dying Coulson, a wail full of agony tore through the air, echoed in the room, his head turned towards the source of the cry but Coulson took that moment of distraction to fire the weapon he's holding and blasted Loki through the wall.

Loki barely avoided the next attack that came down upon him, he could hardly believe what he see. Giant centipede tore through steel like it were papers, ripping it apart with great ease, he rolled sideways while evading the attacks that came from the other side of wall, he is no weakling but he got a feeling one hit from those centipede will be the end for him.

Although the brazen attacks were clearly aimed for Loki, the centipede with dark purple carapace destroyed everything in their path. Loki had a glance of what or who exactly is attacking him, amidst the destruction the one doing it was none other than Kaneki who's in full berserk, attacking everything in sight, but the main target was Loki.

She chased Loki through tight space, her kakuja were smashing everything in its path, Loki were hard pressed to block it since the force of her attacks were enough to send him flying through walls.

When they reached a slighty larger corridor, Loki take on the offensive, he shoots out several energy blast but were easily blocked by those centipede. Then a black shadow loomed before him, took him a second to realize that's Kaneki who just leaped at him, her face was covered in the same bird-like mask like before.

But before she could find her target, Loki's scepter unexpectedly pierced her abdomen as Loki had skewered her, she were left hanging in the air with a golden scepter through the guts as a suspense.

"I knew they kept a monster here, but i forgot they kept two of them" Loki mocked before throwing her away, but a lucky— wild swing from her rinkaku managed to hit him square and sends him to the nearby stairs, crashing simultaneously as Kaneki.

Loki slowly gets up only to be greeted by another large centipede coming down on him, he smashed it away with butt of his scepter before firing another bolt of energy to Kaneki, it were blocked again and the berserk once again pounced at Loki, who this time managed to catch her by face.

He were about to stab her again but Kaneki broke free and in that short instant, bites him in the shoulder.

"Aaarrggghhh" he cried out in pain before trying to pull her away

She was not going to let go, her jaw locked in place and were chewing Loki's flesh like a rabid dog as her kagune runs wild. Loki somehow got the upper hand when he pulled her by hair before kneeing her in the stomach. He threw her away before shooting more energy bolts at her who's defenseless at the time, which exploded at her face and effectively knocking her unconscious.

With that taken care of, the wounded Loki makes his escape, he planned to kill her but he refrained from it and will save it when the time's right, not to mention his wound needs tending, Kaneki had tore a large chunk of flesh from him.

"Filthy mongrel" He spat before disappearing in the next corridor, but unknown to him that's hardly going to stop that raging kakuja from tearing him apart.

Loki were walking in the landing pad where a quinjet was waiting for him, but before he could board it he heard a pounding noises coming from behind, like something was smashing itself against the metal. He turned towards the source and in that instant, two of the very same centipede that were chasing him bursted from below, slowly it rips apart the metal, creating a big enough hole for its owner to come up, then four more of those wine red rinkaku emerged and latched itself onto the metal before pulling its owner up.

"Persistent" Loki growled as Kaneki emerged from the hole, the wounds on her stomach and face had healed perfectly, leaving no trace of it, and she were smiling  a rather twisted smile.

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