Avengers - Seven

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The rest of the team, Captain America, Kaneki, Natasha, and Clint were just arriving via quinjet at New York. The portal are already opened and Loki's army are pouring out of that giant hole above Stark Tower, attacking everything in their sight.

Iron man were putting up quite a fight by himself when Natasha contacted him

"Stark, we're on your three headed northeast"

"What? Did you stopped for drive-through? Swing up park, i'll lay 'em out for you"

After hearing that instructions they immediately headed for that direction, didn't take long for them to reach the place. As they approached the intersection, Natasha armed the weapon as Stark passes by and started shooting at some of his pursuer, knocking them out of sky. They continued upwards shooting every hostile along the way when they spotted Thor fighting with Loki on the balcony of Stark tower.

"Nat?" Clint asked

"I see him"

They turned and started firing at Loki but he managed to knock Thor to ground and fired an energy bolt that destroyed one of the engine. The quinjet started flying uncontrollably and losing altitude, they hit some building but thanks to Clint's skillful piloting, they successfully crashed landed on the nearby ground.

They disembarked as soon as the ramp opened and started heading back to the tower

"We gotta get back up there" Steve said as they make their way

Soon as they reached the grand central station, they heard an omnious sound coming from above.

From the portal, more and more Chitauri forces are coming out followed by a serpent-like machine monster that flies through the air.

"I've seen lots of weird things.. But this a whole new level of insane" Kaneki muttered as the creature descended and passed above them, lauching even more foot soldiers to the nearby buildings.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve queries

"Seeing, still working on believing"

"Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?" He questioned


"Just keep me posted"

The trio were taking cover beside a taxi when Steve joined them.

"We got civilians trapped up here" Clint informed when another wave of Chitauri came down and started destroying everything in the nearby street.


True to Steve's word Kaneki caught a glimpse of a god wearing horned helmet riding along those aliens, leaving destruction in their wake.

"They're fish in a barrel down there"

They suddenly came under fire when more foot soldiers started dropping out of the sky and converging on their positions. Natasha immediately returned fire while Clint take positions.

"We got this, it's good. Go"

"You think you can hold them off?" Steve turned towards Clint

"Captain" He pressed a button on his bow "It would be my genuine pleasure" before loosing an arrow that hits one of the cyborg and shooting more projectiles that killed two others.

Steve immediately set off and jumped down the bride, followed by more explosion as the chitauri fired upon him.

Natasha were shooting at them as she gave an order for Kaneki

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