Avengers - Two

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The following day

A quinjet flies over the vast blue sea, the jet carries a very important person.. Two of them actually.

One is blonde man with leather jacket and the other is a white haired girl with eyepatch.

Steve would occasionally throw a glance at the girl sitting across him who's also looking at some files. He can't help it, there's something strange about her and not just the unnatural white hair, even with her eyepatch Steve can't deny that she's pretty but she's way too young to be here at all.

"We're about 40 minutes out from home base, sir"

The pilot informed Coulson who's sitting on a nearby console.

Coulson took out the headphone before approaching Steve who's looking into a footage of one Dr. Bruce Banner

"So this Dr. Banner, he was trying to recreate the serum used on me?" Steve asked

"A lot of people were. You were the world's first superhero"

"Banner though gamma radiation was the key to unlocking Erskine's original formula"

"Didn't really go his way, did it?" Steve mused as he saw a large green thing destroying lots of military vehicle

"Not so much" Coulson agreed

'Understatement of the year'

Kaneki who's been silent throughout the flight thought as she were looking at same footage. And she had to admit she's curious, what kind of serum they're trying to replicate and how did gamma radiation can create that.. Hulking green thing.

"When he's not that thing though, the guy's like a Stephen Hawking"

Steve only gave Coulson a confused look, unfamiliar with the name

"He's like a smart person"

There was a short silence before Coulson continued

"I have to say, it's an honor to meet you officially."

Kaneki remembered something Natasha said about Coulson is a big fan of Captain America, namely the blonde man sitting in front of her.

"I've sort of met you. I mean i watched you while you were sleeping"

Steve gave him another confused look while a pffftt sound came from Kaneki who then choked on her own spit, creating a slightly uncontrolled cough, it took a moment to regain her composure.

Coulson who's ignoring Kaneki's sudden outburst provided an explanation of that statement

"I mean i was present when you were unconscious from the ice"

Steve didn't mind it, he stood up and approached the cockpit, gazing into the vast open sea. Coulson of course followed him.

"You know its just.. Its just a huge honor to have you on board this.."

"I just hope i'm the man for the job"

"Oh you are. Absolutely"

'Wow, glad to be appreciated around here'

Kaneki kept her sarcasm in mind

"We made some modifications to the uniform" Coulson continued "I have a.. Little design input"

"The uniform? Aren't the stars and stripes a little... Old-fashioned?"


Her quiet comment keeps on coming but she didn't voice it out else she'd get in trouble with Coulson.

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