Stolen // Mafia! Bakugou x Reader.

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 Bakugou was...less then pleased.

Actually, no, he was fucking furious.

Debt collecting was NOT something that he had to deal with. Lower members of the mafia were saddled with job (since nobody else wanted it), threatening and scaring people into repaying their debts. And though he had always been good at it, Bakugou hadn't done it since he was a teenager and new to the job. Now and adult and a leader, he wasn't expected to do such low work. But this time...oh, this time the big boss was coming to collect personally.

Which mean somebody was going to get fucked the hell up. Anger burned through his entire body, threatening to spill out in little bursts of power. Bakugou willed himself to be smart, to hold back until the perfect moment.

It would be worth it then.

Seeing the look on that pathetic pig's face, oh the things he was gonna put him through! A nasty grin grew as Bakugou imagined the screams of pain and sound of his worthless begging. Thoughts of revenge were all that kept the boss in control as he strolled through the dirty streets, finally finding the dingy little house that pig called home. A tiny explosion left the doorknob smoking and the lock useless, allowing Bakugou to enter the dark little house.

It was surprisingly neat but obviously...not great, to say the least. Too many things were obviously in need of minor repairs, others totally busted. Bakugou thought to himself that the pig should have used some of that money to fix the place up.

Taking a seat at the crooked little table in the kitchen, Bakugou calmly waited for his target to come home...but he didn't.

Instead, a young pretty woman entered the house, fiddling with the blackened knob and wondering aloud what had happened. Bakugou couldn't help but stare at her in shock, wondering what on earth she was doing here. And in return, she stopped in shock and wondered what on earth he was doing here. Nearly dropping her groceries, she looked at him and asked in a tiny voice,

"Who are you?"

He was so stupid and so...struck. But could anyone blame him? God she was pretty! A so cute, the way she looked at him with big eyes and basically hid behind the bulky grocery bag. He composed himself, giving her a charming smile as he stood up.

"Bakugou Katsuki. And I'm looking for your old man."

She frowned, looking away from him with...shame? Probably. If Bakugou had to guess, he wasn't the first debt collector to show up at their home. Daddy probably drank and gambled the money away, then left his daughter to clean up the mess.


"He's not here. And, no, I don't know where he went or how to get in contact with him. I don't know what he's done," she said, "or what he owes you. But I don't know how to help either."

Well, this was annoying. But a sudden thought came to mind and, oh, Bakugou couldn't help but smile. He stepped a little closer, his smile growing as she so carefully backed away from him. Red eyes burned into hers as he explained in a harsh tone,

"I understand. Old man ran off with the money, leaving you to deal with me, huh? Trust me, I've seen it all before."

He laughed, watching as fear began to fill her eyes. Oh, he could almost hear her heart beating inside her chest! A million fearful thoughts must have been rushing through her mind and Bakugou considered all of them.

Did she wonder if he would hurt her?

Maybe he would. Maybe it would be fun to watch her cry in pain and beg for mercy...he might give it if she asked nicely enough.

Yandere x Reader // My Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now