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After 4 months

Sunheri's pov

(Sighs) finally.....finally....finally....after a big struggle i am finally going to marry my man today and i am really excited wooo...... here avni and navi are helping me with my dress and there i think the same goes with Dd being helped by Neil bhai and Mowgli....

Pov end

Avni ( shouting ): Stupid Sunheri..............

S: Wooowoo.. why are u shouting avu..

A: Seriously.... u are not at all responding for me calling you for last 10 min and you didn't  even realised Navi slapped your hand thrice to wake u up from your dreamland......(gasps)

Sunheri: (blushs) Soorrrie my mistake.....

A: Aww.. Sunheri u are blushing.....

Navi: Mama... blushing kya hota hai...

A: My baby...blushing kamatlab your cheeks turning pink without any makeup...

N: Mama but we finished makeup for Sun Didi...

Avni: Haha... sorry i surrender u are really smart.....LOVE U BRILLIANT BETA....

N: Thankyou mama .....Love u tooo....

A: Now go and see what u r papa is doing goo.....

N: Ok mama........

Boys room :

Mowgli heard the knock and opened the door....

M: Aww cuteie u look so cute in your pinky pinky dress....like a doll..

Navi: Thankyou mogu... and u look sm..art in this dress...

M: wow you learned a new word today....

N: Haa..Haa...and i learned another word also....

Neil from behind : what is it princess....

Na: papa.....hugged him....

Ne: say me the word ....

Na: blushing

Ne: oppps wait let me guess this was said by you mama to sun didi right?....

Na: papa u r soo... billiant...

Ne: Thank u and wo billiant nahi hai brilliant ok...

Na: ok papa...sorry puppy...

Ne: naughty girl now go and play outside with your bro i have some work here..

He said and she went....

Dd was blushing hearing their convo...

Ne: woo..woo.. someone is blushing...

D: Bhai....

Ne: Ok ok....

D: come lets goo...

Ne: so excited aa.....

D: s ofcourse....

Ne: shameless...  come...

Dd and neil went and marriage started and pandit asked to bring the bride and she came with Avni.....

Here obviously our Acp and Commissioner of the city are staring each other...... and same goes with Dunheri...

After lots of staring session.. the ritual started and Dunheri was taking 7 eounds but our Com of city has never stopped his job...

A: Mr. Commissioner sab....

Ne: Bolo Acp sab .......

A: Ap... kya kar rahi ho...

Ne: staring u or shall i say doing my routine...

A: Seriously... shameless....

Ne: Tq....

Avni gave a whatever look and soon marriage finished...

Neil took avni to a secluded area and tried to romance but or brilliant Navi came there playing hide and seek with Mowgli and distracted them....

Finally after finiahing all the rituals Avni came to her room after sending Sunheri to their swagraat room...

Av: Came in closed the door and find her three jaans hugging eachother and sleeping...

Av: adored them and kissed all three in their three familiar places first forhead and then eyes and then cheeks....

Avni's pov

So this is my family and my cute sweet happy family....so u guys would have been wondering were the adults my papaji, mummyji and bebe go... yes u r right they are in our home and we are in Goa since 2months because we had another mission but this time we took our both jaans with us soon after the mission we planned this wedding for dunheri.... ok now i am going to say u guys a bye because i got my happy happy familly and u guys also wait without lossing hope for the day in your life will come at like today in my life that u say LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER OR FOREVER...

SO bye this is the end of my fairy tail and what is yours if ut came ? Or if it is yet to come wait for it....

The end

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