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At some point I believe that now Chris has forgotten about me and he has moved on to bigger and better things, without me or with his ex Wife.
I heard that he was still seeing her but that's just what everyone else is saying, it's gossip.
Chris has since feuded with the likes of Dean Ambrose and Kevin Owns in the past and there has been a point when Chris possessed a light up jacket but Dean destroyed that on him along time ago.
Who ever made that already has better ideas than me.
I just let it go over my head and I focuses on beating the hell out of the Women's roster.
The Divas title since then has been dropped for two Women's Championships, A Red one (RAW Women's) and a Blue one (Smackdown Women's) and just as I thought things couldn't get crazier.
I've been with WWE for a long time, I even remember the first time the Divas title made it's first appearance now that is not even in existence anymore.
There were times were I felt like I wanted to cry and yes I wasn't happy about being put in story lines with Chris sometimes but sometimes I just had to get on with the show.
Who is Lily Kanellis if she can't do the job right?
Well that's just my point exactly.
My Friends have also made up with me since the arguments but they always do.
They always tell me that they can't be angry at their best friend forever and yes it happens but they learn to forgive and forget.
Audrey: "That must have been hard for you"
Me: "I know but that Divas title being out of existence now it's like my whole life being gone in a split second and that's painful but the division needs to move on for the greater good"
Krystal: "I agree"
It has been awhile since my friends last agreed with me on something but they have now and I believe we are going the right way about this, hopefully things are yes going to change but hopefully for the better.
Some of the women here felt embarrassed being called Diva but I don't see the problem but that's my opinion, I'm just accepting others as much as I can.
Chris on the other hand, he told me years ago that women are only good for two things; "Good at being in the kitchen" and "Good at making Babies" but since I proved him wrong he's been nicer to me and that's strange.
I've never felt this way about him before and I hope he doesn't do what I did and change ways on what I thought of him but about me, this is getting good.

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