Chapter 3

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(A picture of Alessandro Borgia. Enjoy the third chapter!)

My relief was shortlived as I spend the rest of the day throwing up what I had eaten. Alessandro came back to apologize as I needed to be tested. He continued by explaining that all of the I Soli had different weaknesses. Some were able to consume food and drink. Others were not. I was one of the latter. He told me that it was rare as that often was a sign of me rejecting my human side. That should also be a sign of me being more proficient when using my abilities.

He did a similar test by having me drink animal blood he had delivered by a maid. I was able to drink it fine and it did give me just as much nourishment as human blood though not as much as Alessandro's blood. Alessandro told me it was because Ascendant blood is more potent but he also dissuaded me from drinking Ascendant blood or even speaking of it as it was a well-kept secret among the I Soli and Le Lune that we could and found nourishment by drinking from Ascendants. The other clans would not look kindly at such a practice.

I kept inquiring about the other clans as they fascinated me but Alessandro avoided the questions and only said that I would meet a few of them today. He kept forcing me to devour more blood as he said that I needed to prepare. We I Sole become weak as the sun sets and that is a grave weakness among the Ascendants who most move at night when the humans rest. To avoid becoming too weak for movement I would have to consume a large amount of blood.

He then told me to prepare as he would take me to a bar created by Ascendants for them as well. It was called La Sibilla. I washed myself, put on a nice dress and tidied myself up. No one could have known about my mournful past. When I was done Alessandro escorted me to the automobile. Alessandro refused to take the trams as he seemed to despise public transport. He called them a creation of wonder but also a carriage of the lower classes.

The sky was scarlet as the sun had started to hid on the horizon when we arrived at a small pub. At the door stood a broad man with scars, a white shirt, and brace trousers. He stood at the door with an acrimonious look on his face. As he inspected cards from visitors. Some he turned away and others he let in.

Alessandro helped me out and reached into the automobile for my bag which he then politely gave to me. He asked our driver to park the automobile and wait for them. We approached the man who glanced at us. His eyes turned to Alessandro with recognition. He merely nodded and was about to let us in as Alessandro turned to me. "Show the gentleman the card, signora Di Santis."

I was first bewildered by his request before I recalled the one he gave me. I reached for it in my bag and showed it to the man who cocked an eyebrow. "New kin?"

"Infatti. My sister sired her."

The man looked appalled by the mention of signora Borgia and I could only assume that she had aggrieved more people than just me. I gave him an inquisitive glance as I tried to fathom what he was. He gave me a devilish grin as he lifted his hat and I saw a couple of silver eyes. They were almost white as snow and glowed like the moon. He then revealed a card of his own. It was a beautiful card of a man on a podium, in front of a crowd. He seemed to speak to them. I looked to Alessandro for an explanation. "He is a Magistrate. They are the judge and the executioners of the Ascendants. The Magisterium work with the Sovereign, the rulers among the Ascendants. "

"Then the Magisterium is the law enforcers like the Polizia?" I asked in excitement and the man chuckle. "Signor Borgia is kind but that was our task. After the Sovereignty was created we weren't needed anymore. Most of us have become Renegades and only in a few places, like here in Torino, are we still Magistrates."

"Don't sell yourself short, Signor. I'm sure you are an essential part of the community!" I exclaimed without a hint of mockery and the man chuckled as he let us in.

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