Chapter 8

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(A picture of Umberto Biancamano. Enjoy the chapter 8!)

The Christmas Ball arrived swifter than I could have anticipated. Carlo and Alessandro came to help me prepare as a put on a beautiful golden dress which Alessandro had chosen for me. I looked like a wealthy actress from Hollywood as we went out to the automobile which Carlo would drive to the Royal Palace.

It did not take long before I saw the glorious palace as it was close to the Hills of Superga was I lived. The royal palace was closed down for the Ascendants to use. It was lit up in the dark of the night with an illumination which gave it the appearance of the presence a higher power.

Palazzo Reale di Torino lies in the heart of Torino,on central Piazza Castello, and for centuries it was the heart of the House of Savoy. It was symbol for law and power. The rigid fasade was similar to it's baroque counterparts but had no extragavant decorations. The façade was built with a geometric balance which made it a splendid symbol for order. Two sculptures of cavalieri greeted us by the gate as we entered the palaced yard.

I tried not to look too giddy as Carlo helped me out of the automobile and I took hold of the arm Alessandro offered. He gave me a gentle smile as I swayed a bit in the darkness which drained my strength.

"Before we go in, I would like to give you a Christmas present. You will need it in the nest of vipers," Alessandro said and pulled out a small casket.

I gave him an eager smile of gratitude and opened it. The light hit my face as the interior of the casket glowed from the jewelry inside. It was made of gold with a strange blue, glowing rock in the center. Beautiful and useful as I could feel a small part of my body reviving as I drained the light with my ability Solaris.

I sighed in relief as strength came back to me when I put the necklace around my neck."It's beautiful, but what is it?"

"Human's discovered a glowing substance called fluorescence mineral in the last century. In certain lights, they glow. Very rare, and vital to us of I Soli. I put out a fortune to have this made from you after I found out about your weakness. The alchemists from the Mage clan used alchemy to make sure it glows during the night. It will give you strength when fire cannot."

I thanked him and felt guilty for not giving him a present but he merely dismiss my guilt and we started to walk into the palace. I noticed that Leonide came over with a smile and also noticed a hint of a grimace as he came closer to me. He glared at the necklace and I realized what gave me relief is most likely torture to him.

"There you are. I cannot enter without my sponsors," Leonide exclaimed dramatically and extinguished his cigarette.

"You cannot enter?" I asked curiously.

"No, Only the Heralds and their guests can enter. My clan has no presence in this city so we have no Herald. I work for Signor Borgia here in exchange for being allowed to enter these events. It would put my face on the map for future possibilities to become a Herald," Leonide explained and followed us as we entered.

A handsome older man stood by the entrance with blue eyes and dark hair. He watched us approach with clear eyes before he turned them to Alessandro.

"We welcome you, Herald of the I Soli, as well as your guests. Two faces I recognize but who is this young lady?" The man asked with a pleasant voice even if it was a tad cold.

"Signor Umberto Biancamano, the father of the Sovereign should not stand in the cold to greet the guests!" Alessandro said with a voice as silken like honey.

"I had too. We had an incident earlier with that brute Clepho di Lombardi. He always causes an incident each year, I can hardly fathom that he once called himself the king of the Lombards. I do believe that you didn't answer my question, who is the young lady?" Signor Biancamano said and watched me with piercing eyes.

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