Chapter 27

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I looked at the podium along with a large crowd. The people of Torino awaited with anticipation for the result of the election. The band was playing loudly the Italian national anthem while the crowd sang along, dancing and cheering with a lighten mood. Only a few stood still, like marble statues, watching from the shades.

I was one of them. To my kind, this election was far more dire and important for the future of all clans, to be celebrated in advance.

"Can you see the anarchists?" I asked Carlo who stood beside me, viligant of his surrounding.

He shook his head while looking out on the crowd from the balcony. "No, but I did not expect to do so either. If it had been so easy to spot them then we would have eradicated them a long time ago."

"But do not be mistaken. They are here."

I looked over at a balcony across from me and saw the Sovereign along with Umberto. Both watched the podium with confidence and I sneered in my heart at their foolishness.

"Try not to let your contempt show on your face, dear!" Vittoria said while fanning her fan while watching the sun with contempt.

"Afraid on getting burned?" I asked teasingly and she huffed.

"Burned or tanned. Whoever decided to have such a important event under the blazing sun is trying to kill their citizens!"

"A little colour on your cheeks will make you look healthier," I proclaimed and Vittoria rolled her eyes.

"Have you any idea how much work it takes to make my skin this pale?"

"No, and I don't want to. What's the point of making yourself look like a ghost?" I huffed, happy for the distraction from the event. It have caused enough stress the last couple of days and I pray that my plans will go smoothly.

"Says the one with natural pale skin," Vittoria sighed before looking around. Her eyes searched for someone with hesitation and it didn't take long before a topic was uttered that I sincerily wanted to avoid.

"Isn't Angela going to be here?"

"I did invite her, but got no answer," I replied in a harsher tone than I first intended. Vittoria cocked an eyebrow at me and hid her mouth behind the fan.

"Still angry at her?"

"I want to say deny that but my tone would suggest otherwise," I sighed in defeat.

"I understand and it's better to avoid eachother until you are willing to forgive her."

"And when is that suppose to be?"

"Give it time, it is something our kind have an abundance of," Carlo replied in Vittoria's stead. Vittoria nodded in agreement and I felt so very young between these two people.

"I do miss Dragica, isn't she going to be here?" Vittoria finally asked after a moment of silence. I snorted at the memory of me trying to convince Dragica to escorting me to the event.

"You and her has something in common, both of you loath the sun but her hate made sure that she would not be seen in this place. She promise me though that she would await us at my mansion for the after party," I said with a calming smile and Vittoria nodded in satisfaction before we turned our gazes to the podium since we finally saw some movements.

My heart was beating while thoughts flashed in my mind. Had I missed something? No, I have accounted for everything. Nothing should have gone wrong.

A person from the council stood up at the podium and addressed the eager public with a dramatic voice as he called out the next mayor.

"Amedeo Peyron!"

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