Chapter 29

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Luca da Nord entered the room with calm steps. His glowing white eyes fell upon me. I felt chills rush through me but I wasn't able to decipher his poker face so I could not know if it was bad chills or good ones. I could only pray for the latter.

Luca da Nord stepped up beside me and looked at the Sovereign with a piercing gaze.

"Another assembly of Heralds without me... Almost like you don't acknowledge the Magistrates," Luca da Nord huffed.

"Well, I was busy so I would not have come either way but an invitation would be nice."

"I hope that you didn't interrupt us merely to utter your complains," said the Sovereign.

"No, I came here to do what you apparently wasn't able to do," Luca da Nord said. "Gather evidence."
"Of what?" Umberto said carefully as he did not like what this was leading. He had not ordered an investigation.

"The proof that we have a traitor among us. An anarchist who has infiltrated higher ranks to spread discord among us."

Luca da Nords gaze fell upon me and I cocked an eyebrow at him. Almost like I wanted to challenge him. He smirked and turned his eyes back at the Sovereign.

"An anarchist who gave the Sovereign false evidence against the Herald of the I Soli and in exchange for the Herald position. An anarchist now doing the same to remove the current heir for that same position," Luca da Nord and his eyes fell upon Lucretzia who had become deadly pale.

"Lies! I am no anarchist!" she shouted before her lover Caterina was able to hush her.

"So you are the one that claimed to be the witness in the previous trial," Cassia de Luca said and now Lucretzia had no color at all in her face as she realized her mistake.

Signor da Nord had not mentioned any names. It was not unthinkable that he might not have known anything other than it was the person who gave the Sovereign the evidence. If that was so then the Sovereign could have hidden her but know she proclaimed to all in the room who she was.

Two magistrates had grabbed onto her, under Caterina's protests but she was held back by her father who stood by her side and dragged in front of the Sovereign who had become quite pale himself.

It was one thing to have an anarchist infiltrate the court of a Sovereign. Another to let the same anarchist give him false evidence which would result in the execution of a Herald. Especially when it only was one witness and no investigation had been done. It discredited his ability as a Sovereign and would result in the other clans withdrawing their support for him. Without it, he would not be able to remain in his position. The current Sovereign might be a bit dull but even he knew of the dilemma he currently positioned himself in.

"What proof do you have?" Umberto asked trying to save the situation.

"I have four anarchists confessing after... some convincing that Lucretzia is an anarchist. I also investigated her home and found letters between the Anarchy and Lucretzia. Among other, she gave them information about Signora di Santis so that they could capture her and use her as blackmail towards Alessandro Borgia who had refused to cooperate with the Anarchy in the past," Luca da Nord explained calmly.

That was a lot of evidence, the Anarchist had not left anything to chance and even sacrificed some of their people. I was surprised but pleased at their commitment. The Anarchy clearly wanted to foster some goodwill between them.

"Why would they want Signor Borgia's cooperatation?" Cassia de Luca asked.

"A lot was riding on this election. Alessandro did not want to leave anything to chance and gathered the support of the council choosing the next mayor. With other words, he had the power to effect the elections. The Anarchy wanted him to elect the current mayor while the Sovereignty was supporting the one that lost," Luca da Nord said and shrugged.

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