Chapter 4

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(A picture of Carlo Orsini. Here comes the fourth chapter, I hope you enjoy it!)

I stirred as the morning came and chased away all of the obscurity of the night. My cold body came to life but I could still feel the dullness linger as I rose from my bed. A location I recall coming back to. I laid comfortably in my chambers while the sun reaches my face and gave me the strength to lift my cold and heavy body of my bed.

A maid entered my room like she was a seer and told me that Signor Borgia had arrived a while ago with Signor Orsini. I clothe myself for the occasion and made sure to look impeccable as I went to greet them. They waited for me in the lounge. A room I was hesitant to enter as last time I did, Signora Borgia had left me with both physical and mental wound.

I arrived at the entrance of the lounge and took a deep breath to gather my courage before I entered. Both the men's eyes turned to me. Carlo Orsini sat in the couch while Alessandro stood by the window to look out over the back yard. Carlo rose as I entered, a sign of him being a true gentleman and Alessandro turned to me with a gentle smile that eased my distraught nerves.

The image of Signora Borgia's abuse faded and was replaced by the vision of family and friends instead. A memory which I assumed was long gone but joyous to recall again. I gave them a benign smile as I welcomed them.

"Signor Borgia! Signor Orsini! My heart sings of joy as I see you. Have my servants given you breakfast yet? I do hope so as it would otherwise be rather inhospitable towards you."

"We don't need breakfast, Signora Di Santis! Though we took the liberty to bear something a bit more akin to our taste," Alessandro gestured towards what looked like a wine bottle but I could sense what it truly contained and approved.

"Much obliged. I would rather avoid acquiring such a thing from my servants," I admitted and Carlo filled a wine glass which he offered me. I received it with gratitude and took clandestinely a closer look at Carlo who I solely had look upon in a distant and for a brief moment. He was a handsome man, with far more masculine appearance than Alessandro. He had a rigid form that tells of a disciplined past. His stance was that of a soldier and the eyes were adamant in their appearance. His hair was also lighter which might suggest some foreign blood. Not that such a thing mattered anymore.

Carlo was in many ways the opposite of Alessandro who was diplomatic and cunning while Carlo was from the look of more unyielding and forthright. He looked like a man who loathed deceit and slander. He also felt more physically intimidating as he was rather tall compared to other men I have met.

"You look pale, signora Di Santis. You should drink to keep your health," Carlo said with impassive expression but I was calmed by his gentle words.

"No surprise as she was up rather late with me yesterday. We visited La Sibilla and Signora Di Santis got introduced to Signor Zahara," Alessandro uttered as he came closer. Carlo looked displeased with that knowledge.

"She is a newborn. Staying out at night is not encourage before she can handle her new powers," Carlo reprimanded Alessandro who looked amused.

"Be at peace, mio caro! She desired to leave the mansion as she had been a prisoner here for too long. I suggested we go to La Sibilla to be at ease. I thought it would be a good idea to introduce Signor Zahara as he is crucial to our clan."

Carlo huffed at the mention of Leonide Zahara. "That man is far to imprudent. He should not lead our young new member astray."

"You give him to much credit."

I chuckled at their banter. Alessandro did mention that they were old friends but they must truly be close as they quarrel like an old married couple.

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