Chapter 17

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(A picture of Dragica Karlovic. Here comes chapter 17!)

Signora Karlovic, or Dragica which she insisted that I call her, peered at me from the seat beside me while the driver took us to my mansion.

"Is there something you wanted to inquire?" I asked.

"Why did you give that Mage the serums?"

"Not all of them, I kept one for myself," I rectified and she rolled her eyes.

"Don't split hair. Why did you give her the serums?"

"She has far more use for them than me as she needed them to save a friend," I said casually while shrugging. To me the answer was obvious but to Dragica it seemed ludicrous.

"She betrayed us."

"To find the cure in order to save her friend. I don't say it was a wise choice but I understand. Now she indebted to me. Hopefully, she will remember that the next time she is debating on throwing us to the wolves. Besides, I will have to tell one friend that her lover was killed, I rather not see another one in agony," I said while watching the landscape go by outside the window.

"I reckon having someone indebted to you will be advantageous in the future. Especially if she can replicate that serum. But she can also become a dangerous opponent if she turns her back on you," Dragica warned.

I gave a faint smile."I trust her. But if she would ever decide to turn on me, well, I do have an insurance."

Dragica looked at me waiting for me to answer but I did not give her one. This was my advantage and is not to be shared. My friend let slip something rather dangerous in the previous conversation. Her friend, Santo Gallo, was unwillingly turned.

That is a forbiddance among the Ascendants as during ancient times many Ascendants was slaughtered by their own kin who wanted revenge. To combat this, a rule was set, one has to agree to be turned. If they hadn't, then they would be killed along with their maker. In certain cases, the young one would be spared if they are from a distinguished line but one from the beast clan would certainly not. Clepho di Lombardi would most likely slay him on his own to make sure the stability of his clan.

If Angela ever decides to turn on me again, then I will make sure that she feels pain. Lucretzia might not have been any kind of kin of mine but she did teach me about being ruthless. I will not be taken for a fool.

We soon arrived at my mansion and as I suspected, Alessandro and Carlo were waiting for us along with Leonide who took one look at Dragica and seemed to pale. Well, pale even more.

"And might this be Signor Zahara who decided to give away the classified techniques of my order to an I Soli?" she asked and gave Leonide a sly smile.

Leonide glared at me and I rolled my eyes. "We were attacked by a mad Mage and she was bound by a spell. I didn't know she could still see us."

"I could see and hear perfectly well and from what I know, the Sun Clan has no knowledge of the Blood Arc technique. That is a technique created and taught only to the Order of the Dragon," Dragica huffed while Leonide looked uneasy as he tried to come up with an excuse.

Dragica rolled her eyes. "I won't object as the young Valeria Di Santis saved me from having my organs ripped out but at least tell me that you have secured a good spot here in Torino in exchange of that technique."

"If he taught one technique to my heir, then I would support the Moon Clan when they decided to try to present a Herald in front of the reigning Sovereign," Alessandro assured Dragica and she seemed appeased by his words.

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