Chapter 6

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(A picture of Lorenzo D'Amore. This is the sixth chapter. Enjoy!)

I felt slumber crawling into my body as we drove home. Only by perseverance were I able to fight it off before we got home. We entered the house which was quite as the most servants had gone home or to bed. Only the butler welcomed us as we entered the lounge. During the way, I spoke with awe about my savior's ability to transform.

"Will I be able to do the same?" I asked as I sat myself down. Alessandro and Leonide did the same but opposite of me. Carlo had gone to a close by cabinet to grab a medical kit as he walked closer to me and cared for my burn.

"Well, no. Not the same at least. Shifting is an ability which only The Beast clan has. They call themselves Therians. From what you describe, your savior must be an Avian therian. A rare sight in Italy. They are more common in Egypt and the Middle East," Alessandro said while he prepared wine glasses with blood for us to drink.

"I have heard of an Avian shifter, though I do not know his name. He is a Red Kite which sounds like what you describe. The sovereign has called him from Messina on Sicily. The Sovereign of Messina is from his tribe," Carlo explained with a frown of concentration as he cleaned the wound on my cheek.

"Sì, I remember that a Red Kite avian took over after the city had been destroyed by a tsunami back 1908. Many Paramours died and left a vacuum in the power struggle in the city. The Red kite tribe went over from Monastir in the French colony of Tunisia. It has become very poor and many of our kind seek new harbor to put down roots. The Red kites moved to Sicily from what I have heard," Alessandro mused as he sipped his sanguine liquid.

"Then what is he doing here?" I asked out of curiosity for my mysterious savior.

"From what I heard, the Red Kite was summoned here from Sicily to help track the Anarchists. He specializes in tracking and hunting those who opposing the Sovereignty." Carlo finished his cleansing my burn and frowned at it.

"Why doesn't your burn heal?"

"I noticed that as well," Leonide conceded and I touched the wound before remembering my assaulter's words.

"What is a private weakness?"

All in the room froze except me who looked bewildered by their grim expressions.

"How do you know of such a word, bambina?" Alessandro asked gently but seem to know the answer.

"The Anarchists told me it was a pity an I Soli had such an unfair private weakness. One of them had threatened me with a flame but it burned me as the light of the flame hit my face."

"The light of the flame? Not the flame itself?" Alessandro clarified and I nodded in response.

"Hivno!" Leonide hissed angrily.

"Language! There are ladies in the room," Carlo replied grimly but Leonide merely showed his fangs to him in a threatening manner. Alessandro wearily shook his head. "That is an unfair private weakness for an I Soli to have."

"What is a private weakness?" I asked again as no answer came.

"Something that needs to be hidden. Those Anarchists knows her weakness. We need to silence them," Carlo said bitterly. Leonide nodded and got up.

"That I can ensure. I'll try to find them before the night is gone. You two need to talk to her about this before she gets herself killed."

Carlo said that he would aid Leonide and left the room with him. It was just me and Alessandro left. He looked so tired and mournful.

"Have I done something wrong?"

"No, never think so. But firstly, I have mentioned the weakness of clans, have I not?" Alessandro replied and I nodded. Yes, he had. I Soli was weak against darkness and the Moon clan was weak against light. I wasn't sure about other clans weaknesses but I knew they had one just as we did.

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