Chapter 28

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It didn't take long before the emasseries from the Sovereignty knocked on my door. This time, it wasn't Luca Da Nord or any of his men from the Magistrates. It was one was from the Beast Clan, another was from the Mage Clan and the last one was from the Amanti Clan. The Sovereign apparently wanted to frighten me by a display of different clans under their control.

Unfortunately, I have met the Herald of the Beast Clan and he was far from a subject under the Sovereign. The Paramours merely moves among those with power. It doesn't matter to them if it was the Sovereignty, the Anarchy or the humans. The Mages, who wanted to steal back the throne they considered theirs was hardly a display of loyalty.

Not to mention that the one from the Beast Clan smiled at me with a reassuring smile. Santo Gallo looked as kind as always.

"I'm delighted to meet you again, signor Gallo!" I said with a smile and he greeted me with the same enthusiasm that left the two others with a sullen expression on their face. They knew that they were here as an pompous display and it had never occurred to the Sovereign that when he asked Clepho Di Lombardi for a member of their Clan to collect me, he would send a acquantance of mine.

"We are here to accompany you to the Sovereign at Le Nuove," the mage said with a gentle smile but it never reached his grey eyes. His eyes gleamed with cruelty and though his handsome face was that of a dashing rogue. His eyes was that of a murderer.

He looked familiar. The man had the accostomary white hair of a mage but otherwise had no other obvious features other than being handsome. Where had I seen him?

"Dazzled by my handsome face, signora?" the mage said and gave me a flirtatious smile that once again never reached his eyes. All his display was so shallow that you could still see the cold indifference underneath.

"Only the familiarity of it," I replied and then I remembered. During Alessandro's execution. This man stood beside the Herald of the Mage Clan. He was the brother of the current Herald of the Mage Clan.

"I'm surprised that your sister let you out of your leash, signor De Luca."

The man named Ortheo De Luca clicked his tongue and gave me a carefree grin.

"Someone has to handle the dirt."

Santo growled from my back as a warning to signor De Luca who merely clicked his tongue while turning his gaze from me to Santo.

"Heel, boy."

"Both of you, stand down. We are here for the mission, not to squabble!" The unknown man said.

He had no obvious features other than being really handsome and having a strangely magnetic pull on the people around them. His words seemed to be made of honey as both the other men seem to be placated by them.

"Keep your vile powers off my mind, Amanti. Or I will kill you," Signor De Luca hissed and confirmed what I had suspected.

This man was from Vittoria's clan, the Amanti clan or also more widely known outside Italy as the Lovers. A name given to them because of their ability Beguile, a psychic ability that makes the victims attracted or even in love with the caster. To the point of being so endeared that they would kill for them.

The man huffed, caring little for the threat, and turned to me. "I am the kin of the Herald of the Amanti Clan and I would appreciate if you came with me."

I felt my head being muddle by his powers. I shook my head as if I wanted to clear it and met his gaze steadily.

"Surely, if there was a person I wanted to meet it would be the Sovereign. We are currently truly on amicable terms," I said sarcastically and it took a lot of willpower not to cuddle up to this man.

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