Act VI: Demons & Demigods

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The lava splashed toward me.

I, Tatsuo Kobayashi, leapt backward to avoid having Lazarus and my clothing reduced to nothing. Lazarus Lucifer was fast asleep in my arms, I had cast a sound suppression spell on her so in sleep she couldn't hear the mess that was unfolding.

Level 28 could be described as the lava floor. To me, this floor was like a summer home to a demon. Demons are completely heat resistant, bathing in molten lava is the equivalent of a hot spring for my kind. But, for Lazarus's kind... it would probably feel like bathing in molten lava. Yeah, no difference, really.

Floor 28 had what looked like miniature volcanos that would erupt simultaneously every few minutes. There was about a fifty meter distance between the entrance to floor 28, and the exit that led to floor 29. In between the two was a lake of lava that could only be crossed by hopping across hot black rocks.

Sounds a little easy, I guess. As long as you don't miss your footing, you want fall and... melt. But, of course, a dungeon floor has to have at least one monster. And, believe me, this one does.

I hopped back once more as the ball of magma came crashing down where I previously stood. A quick glance toward the lava river, I was able to make out over a dozen creatures made from the lava. The upper halves of their bodies looked like humans with sunken in eyes. The lower halves were non-existent. The waist down of all the lava creatures weren't submerged in the lava, these creatures were the lava.

Each of them were chucking balls of magma at me and Lazarus. Honestly, it wasn't very hard to dodge, despite knowing Lazarus wasn't wearing her shirt or jacket... just a pink bra. Not only that, but she was asleep... so I could stare... forever. But, staring time would have to wait.

Sure, I could stop and stare and let the lava hit me. Wouldn't hurt, much less kill, me. But... it would melt Lazarus to nothing and I don't want that, so... no staring.

God, she's so cute when she sleeps! I'm almost jealous of the guy she ends up with! That human is gonna be one lucky bastard! I mean... I could be that lucky demon bastard. Then again... it wouldn't work out well. In sixty years, I'm gonna look as I do now while she'll be wrinkled and close to the grave. But, once again, I'm all powerful... I could just alter her age every ten years to keep her at the aging pace of me. Tatsuo, stop it! She is a human, you are a demon. Born rivals, not lovers.

I rushed toward the lake of lava with Lazarus in my arms. I reached the edge of the lake and with one mighty leap, I landed on the other side.

I might miss arm day... but I NEVER miss leg day.

I chuckled to myself as I flipped off the lava monsters.

"What's wrong, guys? Not gonna give chase? Looks like a few of you skipped leg day~!" I taunted.

Balls of molten lava were thrown in response. I laughed as I rushed toward the entrance to level 29 of the dungeon. As soon as I passed the entrance frame and stepped onto the first step, i felt a cool breeze hit my face. It was as if I stepped into a freezer on a hot summer day.

As I walked down the steps, I deactivated the sound suppression spell I casted on Lazarus so that my voice would reach.

"Lazarus~!" I whispered, gently shaking her. "It's time to get up~! We got stuff to do~!"

She shook her head in her sleep.

I was puzzled. She wasn't gonna wake up by just hearing my voice... so I guess... payback was in order. She woke me up over an hour ago when she... kicked me in the balls. Obviously, she's a woman, so she doesn't have testicles. Unless he's a very convincing Trap. I could squeeze her boob, then again, what's the fun in it if they don't moan in embarrassment?

The Demon King: Dungeons and Demigods (Volume 3) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now