Chapter 11

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p.o.v Caroline:

~~three months later~~

I and Jack got a couple a few weeks ago. It was really sweet how he asked me. He took me on a walk and we were talking and suddenly he asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend and I said yes. When I told Hannah and Simon they were shocked, I didn't understand why but it was kind of cute.

Simon and Cole were always going on dates all the time but he always tells me that they aren't dating. I don't even believe him. I always annoyed him with some ship names. He knows that I meant it as a joke. He endlessly swoons over him. Jack and I were so happy. I was always hanging out with him at his and Coles house. Sometimes it was really awkward when I saw him and Simon. Simon didn't tell me anything about their dates. Hannah didn't get any information either. Simon got extremely withdrawn. He didn't talk much about his and Cole's relationship.

At this time we had our Winter holiday. That meant many fights for Simon and I. but fewer races for Hannah. She was also really withdrawn. She is always like that during wintertime.

p.o.v Mikaela:

My brother seemed really happy these days. I think it is because of Simon he's good for him. Since our mom died, he got really into work and didn't allow him to take a breath to think. He thinks it was his fault that she had died. My dad does the same. Both of them were there when it had happened. I told them that it wasn't their fault but they still do.

Hannah and I got really close in the last few months. She's such a sweetheart.

The plastics were ruling the school with their bitchy hands. They were bullying Simon because of his sexual orientation. The principal wasn't doing anything either. I stand by him and support him like all of his friends.

Once when I got home, I heard how Cole outed himself to Simon. I was so proud of him. It was always hard for him to out himself. When he outed himself to our father and me. He was crying because he was so ashamed. Our dad told him that it was okay and it didn't affect his abilities to lead the gang but he shouldn't tell the people he doesn't trust.

When I outed myself to Hannah as a bisexual, she told me that she felt the same way. After I told all my other friends and they all reacted so good.

Most of them said: "I'm so proud of you that you told us." Or they said: "I'm always here for you and I will protect you."

It was all good what they said but I kind of didn't believe all of them.

~~Christmas Eve~~

My father and my brother were working. They had to get a shipment of weapons at the harbor. I stayed at home and hoped that they were coming back home uninjured. It has been like that since I could think. The waiting was killing me. Just Steven was there to protect me. He has always been a good company and distracted me from waiting. This time we made Christmas cookies. He carried his weapon at his belt to be ready to shoot in the worst case.

They came back from the job. Both were uninjured. I hugged them and we all went to the kitchen table and ate the cookies Steven and I had made.

I just wish my dad would stop all this, it's not good for his health...

"So did anything suspicious happen today?"

"No, all went fine."

"I saw a few people who looked suspicious.", Cole said afterward.

"Why didn't you tell me before.", Father shouted.

"Because I told some of our men to go after them and bring them into our basement."
"So they are here now?", I asked Cole.

"They should arrive any minute with Henry."

"Then I will have some work to do."

"You mean we do."

"No Cole, I. You are too quick-tempered for that. Did you forget what happened with the last one."

"No, I didn't."

"Good, so it's clear. I do the questioning and you two decorate our house. Tomorrow is Christmas."

With that dad got up and went down to our basement. I'm not allowed to go down there. I also never felt the need to go there. My dad keeps all the traitors and the suspects there.

I heard my phone ring. Hannah called. I picked up the phone and heard her crying voice.

"Hannah?" I asked.

"Mika...", she was crying so bad that she couldn't say more.

"My brother... he is in hospital."


"Can you come to me, please. I need you."

"Sure I'll come."

"Thank you."

Since there is just one hospital in that city it was really easy to find her. I asked my brother for a lift to the hospital and we drove there as fast as we could. When I arrived Hannah was waiting in the emergency room. She was crying her eyes out. I asked her what happened. She couldn't even talk properly. I told her to take a deep breath and she said:" Dylan... he got shot right in front of our house."

"Is he okay."

"He got shot in the leg and in the stomach."

"He will make it I'm sure."

"The doctor told me the second shot didn't hit any important organs."

"That's a good sign."

"But he lost a lot of blood."

"He will make it don't worry."

"I don't even know how I should pay for all of that."

"Don't worry about this. You have to pay what you can pay and the rest I will pay."

"You don't have to do that. That's too much."

"No, it's not too much. You deserve it and your brother deserves to live."

"Thank you so much."

"No problem."

As I finished my sentence Hannah threw her arms around me and suddenly I felt her lips on mine. I was surprised but I liked it a lot. And I kissed her back.

It was a beautiful moment and I wished it lasted forever. Hannah broke the kiss and I saw over her shoulder how Cole stared at us with disbelief. 

Simon arrived a little while later. He took Hannah in his arms and told her that everything would be fine. Cole stood by us and greeted Simon with a long hug.

Caroline came to the hospital as the last one. Obviously with Jack. When C greeted Hannah she broke down in tears again. She tried to stay strong but when Caroline is with her she can't. She is her rock.

The doctor came a few hours later with the new information. Hannah could now go to Dylan. He would recover without any aftermaths but he had to stay in bed until he was fully recovered. 

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