Chapter 9

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He wears contacts


p.o.v. Caroline:

Yesterday at the fight I saw Jack and Cole right at the ring. I could feel Jack's gaze on me and I liked it. I don't know why but I wanted to get to know him better. It's crazy. I've just seen him twice. He's impressed me.

At lunch, I met Hannah and Simon. We went together to our lunch table and saw Mika, Cole, Jack, Michael, and Steve waiting for us. They were already eating. I sat down next to Jack. They were talking about some school shit. I didn't really listen to it. It was some senior stuff.

I didn't really care about that. I'm not a senior.

When the bell rang we all stood up. I wondered what the guys had next. I knew what Simon and Hannah had. Hannah had science with the seniors...she's a science genius even though she hates the subject, probably because she's so good at it. And Simon and I both had history. I know I'm not a senior yet but I have a photographic memory, so I have history with the seniors. Let me tell you, it's so damn boring.

"Hey, what lesson do you guys have next?"

Jack was the first to answer.

"I have history and so do Steven, Micheal, and Henry."

I smiled up at him. I was happy that Jack had history with me. I started to like him since the moment we met. He always makes me laugh. I was also happy that Micky was there too. Micky is super gay and he's such an angel but Steven...

I don't know why but I do not like him one bit. Okay, he can be nice.

Before I could tell Jack that I had history too Cole started talking.

"Willow and I have art and I think Sam and Mika have P.E."

At his comment, I could see Hannah's face light up.

"I have P.E too."

What a wonder, Mika started smiling. I'm telling you these two are going date sooner or later.

I hadn't realized we were already in front of the history room until everyone started to say goodbye. Jack looked at me questioningly.

"C, you and Simon didn't tell us what class you had next."
"Oh, we have history with you guys."

I could see a smile forming on his lips and his eyes brightening. Those beautiful clear blue eyes. They were like a mountain lake and I could drown in them.

His face then turned into a frown.

"Wait, why do you have history with us?"

I scratched the back of my head

" see..."

I let out a nervous chuckle.


"I may or may not have a photographic memory."

Jack looked at me amazed.

"That's so cool."

"Yeah, I guess...let's just get to class."

With that, we all walked into the classroom.

We waited for about 5 minutes but our teacher didn't show up so most people started talking to their friends. I was talking to Simon but always glanced over regularly to Jack who was talking to Henry, Steven, and Micky. He was laughing and that made me smile.

p.o.v Simon:

I was talking to Caroline but she was constantly glancing over at Jack and smiling. She so does have a crush on him.

"Does someone have a crush?"

She looked over at me and blushed a little. Then she hit my arm.

"Shut up Simon."

I started to laugh at her reaction and she soon joined me. I glanced over at Jack and his friends and saw that he didn't look happy at all and was glaring at Henry and Steven. Micky was looking at Henry with a little bit of disappointment and anger in his eyes.

Okay, Henry has definitely done something and I think Micky has a crush on him. Why do so many people have a crush!? But what did Steven do that Jack looks mad at not only Henry but Steven too?

I guess I looked a bit worried because C asked me what was wrong and then also turned around. As soon as she did Steven started to walk over to us.

"Hey, Caroline."

What is he up to?

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me and just ditch this little nerd behind you."

For his sake, I hope, that he does not continue this. Caroline has slight anger issues especially when it comes to Hannah, me or other people close to her.

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