Chapter 20

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p.o.v Cole:

"You bastard."

Elijah just started to chuckle again and Jack and Caroline came running over to me.

The little prick turned to Simon again and held up the jar.

"Where were we?"

He started to pour the liquid into Simon's wound and he started to scream for his dear life.

Muriatic acid

I stood up even though the wound in my stomach hurt like a bitch. I took out my gun and just as Elijah turned to me again I pulled the trigger.

The bullet left a hole between his eyes and Elijah fell to the ground lifeless.

As soon as he touched the ground I fell on my knees again.

"Fucking stab wound.", I said chuckling a bit but that soon turned into a cough. And then the darkness consumed me. The last thing I could hear was Simon yelling my name.

p.o.v Simon:

~~Two months later~~

Cole and I had got out of the hospital about a month and a half ago. Cole and I have now officially become a couple and let me tell you Lucy wasn't happy. When she found out she got as red as Rudolph the Reindeer's nose. It was so funny to watch.

I had also told him all about my past. How my parents were killed, how I got into fighting, how I met Hannah and Caroline and I even told about the one time I tried to kill myself.

He totally understood it and is now even supporting me with all the fighting.

Tonight, I finally had a fight again. Hannah didn't let me fight until I was fully recovered so I had to wait.

I'm so excited also Cole is going to come and watch me fight.

~~In the evening~~

"Simon get down here now we have to go."

"Hannah shut up I'm coming."

I could hear her laughing and as I got downstairs Hannah and Cole were already waiting. Jack and Caroline were already at the Underground.

"Let's go."

With that, we all got into our cars and drove to the fight club.

As we went inside Caroline, well Thunder had just knocked out a bulky guy. She stepped off the stage and I got ready for my fight since it was the one after the one that started after Caroline's.

As my name was announced the crowd went wild and I stepped on the stage.

My opponent was a big guy that probably was on steroids. An arrogant smirk was plastered on his face.

"You're going to lose boy."

I just smirked. With that, the bell rang and he swung at me. I easily dodged the attack and he started to get angry.

p.o.v Unknown:

I was standing in the crowd and watched as Simon stepped on the stage.

His opponent, who I already had forgotten the name of, was saying something to him and then the fight started.

The guy attacked but Simon easily dodged and the fight continued.

After some few good punches that Simon had got on the other guy, and him dodging all the attacks of his opponent Simon kicked the guy in the stomach and he doubled over.

Simon hit him on the back with his elbow and the guy went down.


With that, the guy was carried off the stage and Simon walked into the crowd and I could see him kissing some guy. If I'm right this is Cole Davidson, leader of the Orlando Serpents. Interesting.

"I have finally found you, brother.", with that, I left the Underground fighting club and drove off.

Oak Ridge High School I'm coming.

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